Richard Lindzen is one of the few denialists who is actually qualified to talk about the science.
The denialist blogs love him and extol his virtues with headlines such as :
Quote:New paper confirms findings of Lindzen & Spencer of very low climate sensitivity to CO2 — Paper under review for Earth System Dynamics
Now remember that this was the same Richard Linzen who said this in 2011:
Quote:The models do say you should have seen 2-5 times more than you've already seen, you know, you have to then accept, if you believe the models, that you actually should have gotten far more warming than you've seen, but some mysterious process has cancelled part of it
So let's look at
his track record as compared to James Hansen (observed temperature in black - Lindzen's predictions are the bottom two):
Hmmm "Not very good" sums it up.