Chimp_Logic wrote on Oct 5
th, 2013 at 10:25am:
Experimental particle physicists can't claim a 100% certainty for the existence of sub atomic particles. They use the 5 sigma level of confidence, which equates to 99.977% or better.
If they haven't got experiments that verify their findings, how can such a claim be made.......???
They have obviously done their homework...I don't know...??
Quote:Economists and financial planners are the last clowns to issue out certainties of 100% and they rarely do.
Can you cite the source where a 100% certainty figure was given?
If these clowns gave the credit default swaps a AAA rating what does that mean..................??????
Quote:Even if the actual figure was 50% that humans are driving global warming, (which it isn't) WHY WOULD ANYBODY FLIP A COIN IN RELATION TO THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY?
If you think like that....!!!.... why is it that you cannot see once the credit default derivatives market is up and running.
Manmade CO2 emissions will no longer be as important as they are right now when they're pushing for all countries to jump on board.
In fact the health of the carbon credit derivatives market will depend on manmade CO2 emissions increasing.....???