Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Oct 5
th, 2013 at 1:36pm:
If we had to, we would go back, at least some way back, we just went consumer crazy in the last 20 years.
It wasn't
that long ago that we didn't have all this stuff. We wouldn't like it at first, but we might warm to the idea after a while.
Post capitalism.....maybe?
Hazardous Fracking - Is it Time for Civil Disobedience?
commentWe'er brainwashed into thinking that owning a fossil fuel automobile is a requirement for happiness. Take public transportation, meet new friends, get great exercise. Feel freer and lighter with less worries. No longer be a slave to cars, banks, insurance and gas companies. Yes it is an adjustment, but absolutely necessary to save our planet.
There is a case in the USA where a farmer sued a Corporate fracking operator for making his family ill. Both the young children in the family began suffering from certain illness via the contaminated ground water.
The company settled in the end, but only on the agreement that the family, including the children did NOT speak about the case or anything about fracking in public, (for the rest of their lives)
This is why they like settling these litigations out of court. They don't have to make the details public and they can sign specific confidentiality agreements and caveats etc. This prevents other people form getting any smart ideas about suing.
Fracking uses numerous chemicals to assist with the fracturing of the rock and substrates under the ground which contain a small volume of gas of relatively low quality.
Some of these chemical agents are toxic and even carcinogenic. The process contaminates the ground water table which is a mobile natural water stream. So a contaminated ground water site on one farm can migrate to neighbouring properties or collect in low points creating serious health and environmental issues.
Even if the process only used pressurised hot pure water or steam to create the fractures, environmental damage is still created by destroying natural systems and also releasing stable chemicals and minerals that are in the solid substrate, directly into the moving water table.
An insane practice which has creeped into Australia via stealth. A disgraceful pathway considering the rich solar, geothermal, wind etc resources Australia has.
Australia is a laughing stock internationally. When I travel overseas, especially in countries such as Spain and Germany, they simply cant understand why solar energy isn't rampantly rolled out in Australia. they are envious of our abundance of solar and other natural resources.
We are falling behind when we should be world leaders in alternative energy options
But then again, we are perhaps the dumbest group of illegal settlers and invaders the worlds has seen