Phemanderac wrote on Oct 8
th, 2013 at 3:10pm:
Actually the science that supports AGW acknowledges historic climate variation, curiously enough the term for it is "climate variation".... So that explains that stuff that has been occurring since "day dot", remarkable.
They only support hand picked proxy data, have you ever heard them say that we once had 20 times the amount of CO2 we have today in our atmosphere and life flourished on Earth....????
Quote:So this "issue" about CO2 is still a valid theoretical issue, because, humans interaction does cause changes to the natural variations that occur.
The dispute is how much is human induced...????
Quote:The real issue is whether or not this will have a long term impact. Now this is where the serious division comes in. Bottom line, if we (humans) do accept that our actions might cause some damage then we will have to accept some harsh truths about big changes we may need to make.
That's why sceptics are up in arms because the science of the IPCC and other alarmist groups that all the warming is due to human emissions of CO2 is snake oil at best.
And governments around the world are implementing ridiculous carbon taxes & ETS systems for something that is based on the IPCC's and others opinion rather than cold hard scientific facts.
Quote:Of course, we can ignore this stuff and let it be someone else's problem.
I'm sure that if the pseudo science of the IPCC had some sort of credibility the individual scientists that are now pointing out their mistakes would be saying the same and their would be no argument.
Quote:I am not sure if I am one of the "you guys" you speak of, however, I have been fairly clear I think that I don't necessarily agree that a price will fix anything.
I don't think any sane person who was told the world will come to an end as we know it, because of human CO2 emissions.
And then gets told to fix the problem we have to create a $2 to $10 trillion dollar carbon credit derivatives market on wall street would believe the crises is true in the first place.
Quote:However, on the other side of that then is that to make changes, much more severe actions would need to be implemented and to be honest.
What about if the AGW hypothesis is dead wrong with all the doomsday stuff......????
Quote:I don't think we are made of the kind of stuff with the integrity to make these changes. At least judging form the debate...
If scientific evidence points that way and we have no other choice then what can we do......!!!!!!!
But if we are so close to the point of no return and governments tell us a new market on wall street will save us all, then I would say something is not right here....!!!!
Quote:So when I say pollution I am talking all forms of pollution. BUT in particularly massive amounts of pollution, cause all animals eat, sh1t and leave a carcass to degrade when they die and I realise some inane pedant may well go down that road. Let's be clear though, that most certainly does include CO2 though.
The carbon tax / ETS ONLY addresses human CO2 emissions......nothing else............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote:To my mind just as many "sceptic (denial)" facts have also been widely discredited so
Such as......................?????
Quote:from my perspective, the genuine science has been derailed by the debaters of both ilks,
Not in my mind............................????
The IPCC is a political body that distributes science, which is re-written in political terms............!!!!!!!
Quote:hence I come back to asking what are we actually doing about pollution.
We might have to have another tax for the companies dumping chemicals in our rivers, oceans and land.
Because the carbon tax / ETS doesn't cover these other forms of pollution................????
How about a chemical tax...................!!!!!!!
Quote:The answer to that though is basically, well, nothing much but it is ok because a minority on the planet are greatly profiting from the ongoing degradation of our environment.
These very same people are the ones that want you to pay through the nose for energy at your finger tips through a tax on the air we breath.
Quote:By the way, that is also why I chose the particular words for the title of this thread, it's all about the other issues being ignored...
Sceptics don't ignore anything, its just that the other forms of pollution aren't covered by the carbon tax / ETS.
That's why they never come up...........!!!!!