I find it incredibly interesting that even SkepticalScience hasn't even attempted to "debunk" Burt Rutan's data analysis of the IPCC and Al-Gore's data manipulation.
The only article SkepticalScience has of him is attacking him for having his name as signatory to a specific "opinion-editorial". I wonder why that is? Because we can all see he's right in showing how the hockey stick is fake along with many other bogus claims by the IPCC and "Skeptical Science".
Some interesting points:
- "90% of US sensors do not meet site quality standards." (next to waste treatment plants and air con hot air vents)
- Hockey stick tree ring cherry picking
- Arbitrary trend lines misleading in the grand scope
- Observed negative feed back VS predicted positive feed back
- Missing atmosphere heat spot
- Ocean cooling before the removal of certain ARGO float data that was "too cool" xD
- Extra natural c02 lagging temperature
- "Darwin Australia Data manipulation/adjustments"
- Southern Hemisphere stable, Northern Hemisphere slight increase
- Even the fake hockey stick VS observed historical data doesn't even look scary, even being how false it is
- Reduced frequency of extreme weather
- Reduced deaths from floods and extreme weather etc
- Human adaptation to desert/snow
- Reviewer comments rejected by the IPCC
Add in some climategate emails and AGW supporters have their hands-full sifting through the manipulated BS fed to them by the IPCC and Mr Gore. Almost every single graph shown to support global warming is a piece of cherry picked, manipulated crap when compared to total data sets and observable history. Don't forget all the climate model failures!
http://rps3.com/Files/AGW/EngrCritique.AGW-Science.v4.3.pdfThis is an interesting prediction by Dr Syun Akasofu, a lot more sensible wouldn't you say?