Chimp_Logic wrote on Oct 21
st, 2013 at 11:42am:
Your long debunked posts cannot be taken seriously
Why do you re-syphon these garbage when it can only lead to your public personal embarrassment?
Discuss this garbage with muso perhaps.
Because they haven't been debunked.
First off there is 0 review for Burt Rutan's presentation which I consider conceded defeat by those that now find it impossible to defend the data manipulation of Mr Gore and the IPCC.
Secondly just as example the best "debunking" for the 97% for example is "oh of the ones that gave opinion it was 97%", despite the miss classification and complaints of authors, despite the larger picture they tend to drag out a tiny tiny amount of papers, most being 5/6/7 to a single author and say "this represents the entire scientific community!". Scientific papers are also a horrible way to gouge consensus, think about it, a paper is about something specific, they apply the scientific method and show results, no where in that process does it say a scientific paper is an opinion piece unless it evaluates potential consequences or action.
That my friend is not debunking, skepticalscience is the worst website I've seen at debunking, almost 100% of the time they do one of two things; they either ad hominem attack the scientists and claim shill, or they set up straw men arguments misrepresenting the data and coming up with some random ass excuse to knock down a false misrepresented argument.
They aren't debunked and if you want to convince people you'll have to use a little bit of logic and evidence, instead of "muh debunking" , "muh skepticalscience debunking", "muh consensussss", it's just not good enough. I'm open minded, I'm open to a real refutation but until that happens the graphs and observed data and plain logic are against you/Gore/IPCC.
Take care.