Phemanderac wrote on Oct 6
th, 2013 at 10:56am:
This seems a bit of an over reach here.
Why....???? you pay rates and energy bills....???
How much have they soared since witchy poo announced the carbon tax.....???
How much more will they go up once the market kicks off on a global scale...???
Remember the greens wanted a starting price of about $80/tonne....!!!!
Now what guarantees have we got that once the carbon credit derivatives market kicks off this will reduce manmade CO2 emissions......?????
You want examples have a look at Europe's ETS, it failed and those poor suckers are paying a tax for WHAT...????
Quote:The solution being put forward is what you are really saying that you're against in this sentence.
The science doesn't stack up either, everything the IPCC has said has been way off why should we not be sceptical..??
Plus straight from the horses mouth here....
Quote:In November 2010, German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer stated about climate policy........
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this.
One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
They even tell us what they're all about yet people for some reason or another think yeah man we're going to clean up pollution, it must make them feel good about themselves.
Pricing carbon will not clean up pollution being dumped in rivers and oceans, it will not clean up landfill...etc etc.
Its simply just going to put a price on manmade CO2 and will not even attempt to reduce it....cause the health of the market will depend upon manmade CO2 increasing...!!!
Quote:Real science very rarely appears in the actual debate from my observations of it. Further, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that what has most of the deniers (what an awful term) up in arms is that which you point out, having to take some financial responsibility.
What has most of the skeptics up in arms is that the science the IPCC presents for their case that ALL warming in the last 60 odd years or so is due to MANMADE CO2 emissions doesn't stack up.
They are continually been proven wrong so they then jump onto another cause reason, just look it up yourself.
Add to this the stupidity that pricing carbon will some how reduce manmade CO2 emissions, this will make corporations pack up and go to third world countries where there is no carbon tax ETS.
Quote:I agree fully that it will most likely not work because the monetary costs will always be filtered down to those with the least financial capitol and, arguable, the lowest polluting impact. In that sense I concur that a financial solution is not really an effective solution.
Everything will continue to go up under a pricing carbon scheme, problem is your wages will not match this increase.
Its kind of like when the banks pushed up the cost of houses, but our wages didn't follow suit.
My dad bought his house in 1965 for $7000, he was a factory worker and earned $50 per week.
7000/50 = 140
Average house price today is about $400,000, minimum average wage is about $650 per week, but many people get less than this.
400000/650 = 615
You can work out the rest......!!!!!
Quote:Does that disprove AGW theory though? I think not, it merely points out the offered solution is most likely flawed.
How can you say this when their science doesn't stack up, for instance, the hot spot, the deep oceans warming, glaciers melting by 2035, unequivocal warming of 0.2 degrees Celsius when its only been about 0.05 for the last fifteen years.
And there are so many more......................?????
So how can you say that............................!!!!!!
Quote:Please note too that I try to not engage in the AGW debate generally because I think the actual debate has ignored the real and easily proven issue, ongoing pollution of the environment will ultimately create a butcher's bill that all species may have to pay. The other clear truth in that, is that a majority capitalise fully from these destructive practices, whilst many commentators (on both sides) capitalise from drawing out a ridiculous circle jerk of a debate. Thus avoiding taking any action or owning any responsibility.
Again you sound confused..........................!!!!
Carbon pricing will only put a price on CO2, it will not clean up the pollution in our rivers and oceans and land.
Do you consider CO2 a pollution.........????
You breath it out every time you exhale..........!!!!!
You drink CO2 in your beer...all those lovely little bubbles...??
Green houses use CO2 to make the plants grow quicker, its like fertilizer for plants.
CO2 is to PLANTS what oxygen is to HUMANS......!!!!
Still think CO2 is a pollutant......................?????