Ajax wrote on Oct 20
th, 2013 at 10:41am:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Oct 19
th, 2013 at 11:05am:
I am not surprised that you are incapable of mounting more than ONE opinion on numerous themes AT THE SAME TIME
Have you always been this monolithically incompetent?
Sorry chimp I cant see how you can mix the anthropogenic global warming religion with the struggle of the aboriginal people of Australia.
Its just another way to side track the argument of AGW.
In the global scientific community there is NO argument as to whether the global warming trends observed over the past 60 years have anthropogenic causal links.
Anthropogenically induced global warming is currently an undeniable, verifiable scientific fact.
Perhaps you can focus your delusional religious cultist dogma upon the effects of AGW in the future?
In this arena, there is scientific discussion that pertains to modelling accuracy/predictions and tipping points etc.
Speaking of models, have you managed to uncover ONE single predictive climate model that shows cooling or even as static global temperature as CO2 concentration rises in the earths atmosphere?
Surely you can find ONE model that fits into your religious crack pot spin bible?
There is my first challenge to you! respond or we have no further reason to engage in discussion