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Question: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Yes, ofcause.    
  18 (72.0%)
No, it doesnt    
  7 (28.0%)

Total votes: 25
« Created by: Pantheon on: Oct 29th, 2013 at 9:31am »

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Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? (Read 59496 times)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #285 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 9:07am
Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 6:26am:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 5th, 2013 at 9:40pm:
I hope you understand now Mr Herbert why capitalism and humanitarianism are morally incompatible concepts.

That's debatable.

You failed to read my lips when I said that it is a matter of getting the right balance between capitalist productivity and profit-making ... and humanitarian socialism taking care of those few who for one reason or another are unable to take care of themselves as 90% of us are able to do.

The whole reason we have a capitalist party and then a socialist party alternating in government is to get this balance right.

But! I take your point about the US being reprehensibly, inexcusably, and criminally Third World with its health care system.

Personal example: I know from my Googling that my heart operation at the beginning of this year would have cost me my house if I was living in the US.

Precisely $100,000 for the op in the US. Cost me zilch here as a Public Health patient without private cover.

If the US spent less on its goddamn overseas military adventures it just might have the money available to provide free health care for all.

The prison system over there is also a huge financial black-hole vortex that sucks away millions each day keeping them ghetto black rappers off the streets and out of de hoods.

If the yanks had any sense they would incarcerate ALL of their prisoners doing 5 or more years south of the border in Mexico on contract to the Mexican government at a fraction of the cost that it is now.


I bet before your heart operation you were anti the public health system. Yes yes I can see your indignant denieals now but we will never know the truth will we.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #286 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 10:08am
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 2:57am:
Thanks Vuk but this explanation is about buying and selling,  What possible relevance does it have to producing and manufacturing.  The question is do capitalists exploit workers.  But this example says nothing about workers or the people who employ them to work.  And I tell you why I find this so troubling. Because you said it was for this reason and the next reason (which I will get to in a moment) that you believe "on balance" (or words to that effect) that workers are not exploited by capitalists and yet your explanation has nothing to do with workers or their masters.  Very troubling.  I think you need to do a reassessment of yor position since your first reason is irrelevant. 

Thanks for the reply, I can see how it's a bit strange the way I worded it.

With voluntarism that was merely an example explaining the idea it isn't limited to a buy seller situation. It can easily be expanded to customers/business but as you point out more importantly workers/employers. The thing to remember is the meaning: Voluntary interaction for mutually perceived benefit. So it's free of coercion/force and both parties perceive a benefit that they find more beneficial/appealing than not interacting. Apply this to an employee, they see a greater benefit in working for this person than not and vice versa.

However this is where I agree with you guys and I'll explain the issue, remember I advocate free market capitalism. First off would you agree that there are two inescapable costs of living, first is the need to survive (nature imposes that on us) and the necessity to pay a monetary cost for life. This is what I take issue with, you are literally forced into working a job, because no matter where you live governments claim ownership over every square inch of land on earth. This means you cannot escape taxation and monetary costs even if you "own land" which is never truly owned. What this means is you are FORCED into the market, this is not voluntarism.

In free market capitalism without the state you remove that forced monetary cost and leave only the need to survive, this allows you to; be self sufficient, be charitable of others free of charge, work with others in co-operatives, work for people. get people to work for you. Basically you have the option to opt out and do whatever you feel necessary in order to live, however most would agree that engaging in trade ie buying/selling working/owning a business is more beneficial due to the division of labour and risk than not. (ie you don't have to make your own food, water, clothes, house, electricity etc etc it's traded for with your productivity)

Yes thank but you paint a very pretty story that bares very little relationship to the real world.  Surly you must see that. Again its troubling because you say this is the second reason why you think workers are not exploited by capitalists and yet the picture you outline is like a movie fantasy. It doesnt exist out there in the real world.  You talk about voluntariness and say nothing about the power imbalance between employer and government on the one side and worker on the other.  You say nothing about the laws that stop workers from withholding their labour. You take every opportunity to embellish and exaggerate the contribution that the employer makes and say next to nothing about the workers contribution.  All things that you would need to discuss if you are serious about examining whether the worker is being exploited or not.  How much is he getting paid for how much time he is working, how much is he getting paid for how much he is producing.  How much is he getting paid for how much the thing is selling.  You talk about the employers risk for which he gets profit.  But you said nothing about how often workers take pay cuts in the bad times on a promise of an increase when things get better (and then promise is never kept) .  All these things and many more that I have not mentioned are relevant but conveniently ignored in your pretty linear little fantasy you have created.  Again since its one of the linchpins of your reasons for saying workers are not exploited I would have thought they at least needed a mention.  [color=#0000ff]

Yeah exactly right, the power imbalance between the average consumer and the state + corporate I've mentioned above because you are literally forced into the market to pay inescapable costs, as I advocate a free society when you have no state you have; no corporations as well removing both of those that create the imbalance. This leaves business' of course but they are now responsible and they are people so it leaves people all with opportunity to increase their lot in the world as best they can.

Though I think the examples still stand, I don't know how you can say these examples aren't looking at the real world, is a pizza shop not a real world example? Do workers not receive a pay for a contribution which is one of many ? Do business owners not provide a lot of equipment in most cases, do they not pay for the building, the expenses do they not do up business plans and organize? All I'm saying with it is the worker logically does not own the entire pizza, due to time preference they have one contribution among many, and given the choice voluntarily accept an agreed wage now then the full profit later by doing it all themselves.
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« Last Edit: Nov 6th, 2013 at 10:31am by Vuk11 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #287 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 10:21am

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[b][center]Socialism had been tried on every continent on earth. In light of its results, it's time to question the motives of its advocates.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #288 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 11:47am
[quote author=Ahovking link=1383003074/287#287 date=1383697263]This!

Your adulation with pictures and quotes by that man is like hari Krishna worship.  Really its embarrassing. Why don't you just argue your case.  The fact that friedman might have said something or other at one time is neither here nor there.  It doesn't make it anymore true because friedman said it.  As a matter of fact in my estimation freidman usually tends to be wrong and that's because he allowed his ideology to drive his economic thinking and most have criticized him for bending the truth repeatedly to fit in with his Ayn Rand fanaticism.

BTW you have not responded to most of my post re your absurd scenario that the Government made the banks do it.  You did reply that the Government made the Banks give out loans.  And there we have it again trying to force a round peg to fit into your ideological square hole.  Have you ever seen a bank in action during a housing boom.  My wife and I bought our first home in a housing boom.  The banks were going crazy with greed not only for the profit of signing us up for 30 years but also to increase their market share in the home lending sector.  Not only did they not care weather we could repay or not (since insurance and the rigged foreclosure laws adequately protected them) they tried to talk us into borrowing more.  And it was us who said no we wouldn't risk it. Yor claims of these innocent unsuspecting banks forced by the nose by the government to give loans reads like a nazi germany propaganda film with larger then life good guys (the banks) and nasty reprehensible villains (borrowers who understandably would have liked to buy a home, and the Government). Your ideology is blinding you to the truth and dehumanizing you, to side with the crooks against your community neighbors. Unregulated Banker's greed brought on the GFC and if you took off your ideological glasses you would see that as obvious.  The did a lot of damage, destroyed a lot of lives and now you want to turn the blame on the government and the borrowers.  And what a deceitful  ploy it is to introduce that childish expression "lemon socialism". A slight of hand as if to say, sure we got greedy with capitalist fervor that drove the world to its knees but really it was
"socialism what done it"
.   Just as Marx predicted Capitalists brought down capitalism in 2008 and they will keep doing it because they cant help themselves and one day the people will say enough is enough. This time were going to replace capitalism with something that works and is fair. Mark my words the longer you refuse to see the truth and look at this through your ideological glasses the sooner that day will come.      
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #289 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 11:55am
The quote illustrates a point, a point where there's a misconception.
We think it's fair to say that business and state work together to control the masses, this is contrary to what free market capitalism advocates. People are annoyed because corporate lobbies and government do so much to control their lives and people have little choice/opportunity, but they blame "capitalism" for the ills of a democratic state, the state created the corporations in the first place and the state is the mechanism through which the sociopaths exert their control and the corporations exert their influence.

Free market capitalism seeks to eliminate this, as you would no longer have state interference in the market (the market is us, we are the market it's not arbitrary and fictitious) and thus would no longer have corporations and their special privileges.

It has nothing to do with who said it but what was said and how it applies today as a common misconception. Smiley
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #290 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:04pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 11:47am:
[quote author=Ahovking link=1383003074/287#287 date=1383697263]This!

Your adulation with pictures and quotes by that man is like hari Krishna worship.  Really its embarrassing. Why don't you just argue your case.  The fact that friedman might have said something or other at one time is neither here nor there.  It doesn't make it anymore true because friedman said it.  As a matter of fact in my estimation freidman usually tends to be wrong and that's because he allowed his ideology to drive his economic thinking and most have criticized him for bending the truth repeatedly to fit in with his Ayn Rand fanaticism.

BTW you have not responded to most of my post re your absurd scenario that the Government made the banks do it.  You did reply that the Government made the Banks give out loans.  And there we have it again trying to force a round peg to fit into your ideological square hole.  Have you ever seen a bank in action during a housing boom.  My wife and I bought our first home in a housing boom.  The banks were going crazy with greed not only for the profit of signing us up for 30 years but also to increase their market share in the home lending sector.  Not only did they not care weather we could repay or not (since insurance and the rigged foreclosure laws adequately protected them) they tried to talk us into borrowing more.  And it was us who said no we wouldn't risk it. Yor claims of these innocent unsuspecting banks forced by the nose by the government to give loans reads like a nazi germany propaganda film with larger then life good guys (the banks) and nasty reprehensible villains (borrowers who understandably would have liked to buy a home, and the Government). Your ideology is blinding you to the truth and dehumanizing you, to side with the crooks against your community neighbors. Unregulated Banker's greed brought on the GFC and if you took off your ideological glasses you would see that as obvious.  The did a lot of damage, destroyed a lot of lives and now you want to turn the blame on the government and the borrowers.  And what a deceitful  ploy it is to introduce that childish expression "lemon socialism". A slight of hand as if to say, sure we got greedy with capitalist fervor that drove the world to its knees but really it was
"socialism what done it"
.   Just as Marx predicted Capitalists brought down capitalism in 2008 and they will keep doing it because they cant help themselves and one day the people will say enough is enough. This time were going to replace capitalism with something that works and is fair. Mark my words the longer you refuse to see the truth and look at this through your ideological glasses the sooner that day will come.      

Post meme = worship  Roll Eyes

You still haven't responded to my post  Cool

The problem started with Government wanting every family to have a home and give banks incentives and at times forced banks to give loans to people who could never pay the banks back, the true value of these 'sub-prime loans' were then suppress and replace with an inflated value which was then sold off, no one know how risky these 'sub-prime loans' were and no one cared it was easy money back and guaranteed to be safe.

The housing market in the United States suffered greatly as many home owners who had taken out sub-prime loans found they were unable to meet their mortgage repayments. As the value of homes plummeted, the borrowers found themselves with negative equity. With a large number of borrowers defaulting on loans, banks were faced with a situation where the repossessed house and land was worth less on today’s market than the bank had loaned out originally. The banks had a liquidity crisis on their hands, and giving and obtaining loans became increasingly difficult as the fallout from the sub-prime lending bubble burst. This is commonly referred to as the credit crunch.

Socialism has failed time after time, in other 30 countries it has been tired and failed. Its less than a theory and more of a joke.
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[b][center]Socialism had been tried on every continent on earth. In light of its results, it's time to question the motives of its advocates.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #291 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:07pm
Competition is Freedom

Competition is an essential element of free market economics. Businesses never gain permanent advantage: there are always alternative ways to satisfy demand. Economist Joseph Schumpeter called business ‘creative destruction’ – a never-ending Darwinian struggle. Like a new predator in an ecosystem, an innovative new competitor can wreak destruction upon rival firms. The list of top companies is continually changing.

Thus in a genuinely free (i.e. competitive) market, corporations don’t control the economy – they block one another from such power. It’s mainly government intervention that confers such control on business, through protectionism against competition, for example. French consumers gripe that even French products are cheaper in Germany. Why? Because numerous French laws shield businesses from competition. They even have laws against price-cutting. This reflects French beliefs that competition is ‘harsh’, and its opposite is ‘social solidarity’. In fact, the opposite of market competition is monopoly and privilege.

But when competitors battle for market share, the real winners are consumers, who pay less for more. Air travel is a perfect illustration. Once, flying was heavily regulated, and only for the rich. Deregulation and competition opened it to the masses. If airlines profit too, we shouldn’t begrudge this. But in fact, thanks to competition, the industry’s cumulative profits over its entire history total approximately zero. So here, all the benefit has gone to consumers, and none to the ‘greedy capitalists’ who made it possible. Talk about economic injustice!

Another example is TV. In my childhood, three major networks ruled supreme in America. Then along came cable and VCRs, cutting the heart out of their business model. A whole new video sale and rental industry sprang up. This was challenged by Netflix, with another way of serving consumers. And now Netflix’s lunch may be eaten by Redbox, with a newer idea still. Creative destruction.
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[b][center]Socialism had been tried on every continent on earth. In light of its results, it's time to question the motives of its advocates.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #292 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:09pm
i ve always felt socialism exploits workers (especially taxpaying workers) Wink Wink
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #293 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:11pm
aquascoot wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:09pm:
i ve always felt socialism exploits workers (especially taxpaying workers) Wink Wink

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[b][center]Socialism had been tried on every continent on earth. In light of its results, it's time to question the motives of its advocates.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #294 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:22pm
Any socialism that is enforced and not voluntary is logically and inescapably immoral.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #295 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:24pm
Voluntary work cannot be considered immoral because by definition voluntary means free from coercion. Charity is voluntary and is moral no matter which way you look at it, but violently forcing charity ie socialism is immoral.

Do you want a moral society or not?
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #296 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:49pm
Pantheon wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 2:33am:
What an immoral distortion of history this is. Where does one start to address all these distortions. First from the 90s on the fanatical capitalist elite and especially those from the financial sector (esp the bankers) progressively got their minions in government to deregulate and on top of that they positioned there own people in govt regulatory bodies (they do it in australia too, its rife, check out the ACCC for eg) to lobby for more deregulation and to loosely apply existing regulations. The result was that the financial sector went crazy with greed investing in all manner of risky ventures and bang! the GFC. Thats what happened and thats what we all know happened and no amount of bankers propaganda and bankers weasel words is going to change that. So it was too much unregulated free market that caused the GFC not the other way round as you pretend

The problem started with Government wanting every family to have a home and give banks incentives and at times forced banks to give loans to people who could never pay the banks back, the true value of these 'sub-prime loans' were then suppress and replace with an inflated value which was then sold off, no one know how risky these 'sub-prime loans' were and no one cared it was easy money back and guaranteed to be safe.

The housing market in the United States suffered greatly as many home owners who had taken out sub-prime loans found they were unable to meet their mortgage repayments. As the value of homes plummeted, the borrowers found themselves with negative equity. With a large number of borrowers defaulting on loans, banks were faced with a situation where the repossessed house and land was worth less on today’s market than the bank had loaned out originally. The banks had a liquidity crisis on their hands, and giving and obtaining loans became increasingly difficult as the fallout from the sub-prime lending bubble burst. This is commonly referred to as the credit crunch.


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« Last Edit: Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:58pm by Chimp_Logic »  

Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #297 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:52pm
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #298 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:54pm
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #299 - Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:54pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 12:49pm:
Pantheon wrote on Nov 6th, 2013 at 2:33am:
What an immoral distortion of history this is. Where does one start to address all these distortions. First from the 90s on the fanatical capitalist elite and especially those from the financial sector (esp the bankers) progressively got their minions in government to deregulate and on top of that they positioned there own people in govt regulatory bodies (they do it in australia too, its rife, check out the ACCC for eg) to lobby for more deregulation and to loosely apply existing regulations. The result was that the financial sector went crazy with greed investing in all manner of risky ventures and bang! the GFC. Thats what happened and thats what we all know happened and no amount of bankers propaganda and bankers weasel words is going to change that. So it was too much unregulated free market that caused the GFC not the other way round as you pretend

The problem started with Government wanting every family to have a home and give banks incentives and at times forced banks to give loans to people who could never pay the banks back, the true value of these 'sub-prime loans' were then suppress and replace with an inflated value which was then sold off, no one know how risky these 'sub-prime loans' were and no one cared it was easy money back and guaranteed to be safe.

The housing market in the United States suffered greatly as many home owners who had taken out sub-prime loans found they were unable to meet their mortgage repayments. As the value of homes plummeted, the borrowers found themselves with negative equity. With a large number of borrowers defaulting on loans, banks were faced with a situation where the repossessed house and land was worth less on today’s market than the bank had loaned out originally. The banks had a liquidity crisis on their hands, and giving and obtaining loans became increasingly difficult as the fallout from the sub-prime lending bubble burst. This is commonly referred to as the credit crunch.


History is written by the victors, they say. The bankers won.
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