Vuk11 wrote on Nov 7
th, 2013 at 9:50pm:
260 000 000.
259 999 999 + 1
Two hundred and sixty million + people have been killed by their own governments in the last 100 years. That doesn't even include the amount of people killed by other peoples governments in war and genocide.
9 000 000? (9 million+?) died in WW1.
60-85 million died in WW2?
Add up all the wars in the last 100 years it's safe to say democide + genocide would equal around a total of 400 000 000+ people killed as a direct result of state.
It was the states of Germany that invaded Poland, it was the state of Japan that bombed pearl harbor, it was the allied states that invaded Europe and cut supply lines that killed millions from disease and starvation.
....and you guys are scared of business? Does McDonalds hold a gun to your head? Are you that scared of living without people telling you what to do that you would support the subjugation of 7 billion people by states?
Paper doesn't stop bullets, paper doesn't stop sociopaths and control freaks from manipulating whatever system you put up.
The founding fathers wrote a constitution specifically to prevent what is happening today, I refuse to be ignorant and egotistical enough to say that I know better how to build/run a society than those great figures of history. The US wipes it's ass with the constitution, no matter what you write on a piece of paper it will never stop psychopaths from manipulating/evading/perverting it.
Which is why I will continue to advocate that no one knows best how others should live. I don't have to know how everything is done, if people want it done it will be. I don't have to know who will pick the cotton to know that slavery is immoral. I don't have to know who will build the roads to know that theft in the form of taxation is immoral.
The world won't change until we starting calling it like it is.
Taxation is theft, law is violence, spanking children is assault, war is murder.
People are so scared of things like who will build the roads and what about pollution (a problem not being solved anyway) that they ignore the gun in the room. They ignore that all pervading force above you and everyone else dictating who you can and can't marry, who you can trade with, how many people can meet in public, what you can and can't know "oh sorry it's top secret". They are called "public servants", yet when you go to centrelink or transport department do you feel like they are serving you or the other way around? Tax payers are paying for people to run their lives.
I can do my best to calm fears with logic, but it's up to you guys to wake up and realize we don't need people telling us how they think we should live.
How wonderful of you vuk11
everybody is given a choice between being a victim of war or living in a capitalist society.
What a choice
We should all be thankful of our corporatized shackled slavery
Shut the bugger up, obey, consume and die
FInally vuk11 is cornered and he pulls this kindergarten argument to defend himself like a scoundrel.
(ironically, vuk11's argument is used against him AGAIN - Who profits from the wars vuk11? Who spills their blood?)