Phemanderac wrote on Nov 8
th, 2013 at 10:37am:
Whilst the economic system that is capitalism certainly has the mechanisms (demonstrably) in place so that individuals can exploit workers, the ism itself is simply a system. Just like Communism/Socialism etc, are merely economic systems or models.
It is people who mess with it and act corruptly or exploitative (or usually both simultaneously). Neither system of itself is political, however, history demonstrates both systems have been generally hijacked to fulfil ideological/political aims. I think being beholden to any ism is dangerous, because, it would seem that our species overall is not generally trust worthy.
Don't agree sorry. What isn't an ism? Whatever standards or system I adopt for myself to govern the way I lead my life is an ism, be it a standard/system commonly adopted by others, eg socialism capitalism, Buddhism or one I have developed myself for myself. Even a system that says i will deal with each situation as it presents itself at the time is an ism. But some isms are better suited to derive certain results then others. Don't get me wrong, no system is perfect as we all well know, but some systems are better then others (in the sense that overall the advantages outnumber the disadvantages). Capitalism makes some people extraordinarily rich and I also believe that in certain things it has made society more tolerant, overall (because if you are judgmental of other people's differences, you are less likely to secure a sale) but the price society has to pay in poverty, exploitation, power manipulation, war, environmental degradation, community breakdown, dehumanization, deceit, etc is way too great a price to pay just so a few little men and women can feel they're better then the rest of us. Frankly, this " I hate all ism's" approach is a bit of a cop out; it relieves you of having to make a decision,.