Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Nov 8
th, 2013 at 6:40pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 8
th, 2013 at 6:18pm:
There was no such insinuation. Mist, you really have a problem getting your head around logic. How is referring to the marvels of the Pyramids and the Parthenon "insinuating" that Egypt and Greece were workers' paradise? You serious?
Read this part of Hot Breath's post again:
Quote: Without such collective, co-operative action, we would not have cities, we would not have edifices such as the Pyramids, the Parthenon, and so on across the world.
So, yes, I am serious.
How much cooperation do you think there would have been between masters and slaves thousands of years ago? Human Rights and workers' rights did not exist. In fact, workers' rights only begin in the 19th century, and Human Rights arrives much later in 1948.
I would even reverse Hot Breath's assertion.
I would say such marvels were created by using cheap, expendable labour, that could be replaced at whim without interference from rights advocates.
You say a lot of things without even researching the context of some of these ancient constructions
the Parthenon for example was built out of the vision of the great Pericles who brought Athenians together
western civilisation is almost entirely based upon the ancient Hellenic enlightenment period several thousand years ago.
The Scientific method, medicine, Philosophy, Democracy, Literacy, Theatre, Sporting excellence, Comedy, Poetry, Art, Architecture, Politics, etc all have their origins firmly rooted within this ancient Hellenic period
And of course there is the other side of coin,. Imperialism, colonialism, high tech militarism, fascism, etc also sprout in a very unique form from this epoch.
The Parthenon was very much a long term design and construction project that involved pretty much everyone living within the city Athens and even Greeks from other city states
the Pyramids had a different context because their purpose was essentially to provide a final resting place for the Egyptian Pharaohs and Kings - ie a grave site or burial tomb.