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Question: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Yes, ofcause.    
  18 (72.0%)
No, it doesnt    
  7 (28.0%)

Total votes: 25
« Created by: Pantheon on: Oct 29th, 2013 at 9:31am »

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Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? (Read 59621 times)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #450 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:19pm
Grey wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:16pm:
Capitalism doesn't define success

You don't win MONOPOLYtm by helping old ladies cross the street sunshine.

Good thing I'm not playing monopoly hey?
I'm playing the game of life and the human experience, big difference.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #451 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:22pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:10pm:
capitalism, like other un-natural, inhumane,  inefficient, self regressive, self destructive forms of tyranny and fascist evil cannot, by definition, be morally defended in any society by any individual at any time and under no circumstances whatsoever

Proponents of the Non-aggression principle, property rights and voluntary interaction would disagree.

Though you are either:

A. Asserting that property rights, voluntary trade and the NAP are somehow morally indefensible?

B. Asserting that free market capitalism = the current crony corporatism and that crony corporatism cannot be morally defended therefore free market capitalism can't either?

If A, you are objectively wrong in every sense.
If B, I would argue that Free market capitalism =/= != Crony Corporate Fascism.

I would also argue that Capitalism in it's truest sense is not; unnatural, self-destructive, inefficient and inhumane.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #452 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:22pm
Grey wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:16pm:
Capitalism doesn't define success

You don't win MONOPOLYtm by helping old ladies cross the street sunshine.

Sounds like Monopoly needs some toll roads and toll toll road crossings, then it'd be a fairer game for young and old!
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #453 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:27pm
Grey wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:16pm:
Capitalism doesn't define success

You don't win MONOPOLYtm by helping old ladies cross the street sunshine.

....this "lady crossing" service needs to be floated, privatised, corporatized, downsized, outsourced and then merged and put into receivership

then you'll see great profits flowing into the pockets of the RIGHT people
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #454 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:30pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:27pm:
Grey wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:16pm:
Capitalism doesn't define success

You don't win MONOPOLYtm by helping old ladies cross the street sunshine.

....this "lady crossing" service needs to be floated, privatised, corporatized, downsized, outsourced and then merged and put into receivership

then you'll see great profits flowing into the pockets of the RIGHT people

If getting ladies across from one side of the street to the other were a business, it'd be so damn efficient!

You could have escalators that take them from one side up and over the road to the other side.

Personal teleporters.
Carriage like at ski resorts.
Chauffeur's to push them across the crossing.
Taxies/Ferries to ferry them across.

Man ladies would cross the street in enormous efficiency. Smiley
To bad they can manage just fine on their own or with the voluntary charity of strangers/family hey? Smiley
Oh b-b-but if we don't force people to do it by law it won't get done! We have to tax everybody to pay for state mandated Chauffeur's at every intersection! Business/Charity can't provide! Every old lady has the right to cross the road safely and everyone should be taxed to pay for it! No one will just voluntarily help an old lady people are greedy!
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #455 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:37pm
Workers also exploit capitalism. But don't like being exploited...quit....easy...or start your own business...see how that works for ya!
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #456 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm
When people criticize capitalism they tend to think employers are omnipotent and have all the bargaining power in the world and that workers are subjugated out of necessity.

First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

Second even in places where there is no skill shortage it takes time to replace people that quit, time to hire, train, cover costs of the loss of productivity. A lot of people have multiple options that aren't taken into account by socialists. Maybe you worked at coles and now at a software company, if they treat you like poo you can go back to coles until another company/position comes along.

Basically in either scenario the employer needs you too. The employer is a worker too maybe your boss works for someone else. Also you have to remember we are all capitalists, you can own property too and if you don't want to work all your life why don't you learn to invest? If you don't want to make someone else wealthy , then take the RISK to allow others to make you wealthy by providing something people need/want. That's the clincher the risk involved is a lot more for a business owner than for an employee on top of actually providing jobs/services/products.

Then the unskilled workers well there are supposed to be other unskilled jobs however government regulation stifles that. But even then you may perceive working under those conditions more beneficial than being unemployed.

However you have to remember you are only forced to work not by employers but by A. nature (the need to survive) and B. the state (taxation is inescapable) . If there is no state then you can't blame the need to survive on a business as they are offering just one alternative solution, others include self sufficiency IE go survive yourself or start a business and many others.

There is no real coercion unless at the core there is state coercion that forces people into crap jobs instead of allowing alternatives.
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« Last Edit: Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:54pm by Vuk11 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #457 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:04pm
namnugenot wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:37pm:
Workers also exploit capitalism. But don't like being exploited...quit....easy...or start your own business...see how that works for ya!

Oh yeah - workers have all the power, they're the evil lazy buggers who want everything

Not like Mrs Reinhart who works so hard for her $15,000 per MINUTE income portfolio.

Gina also thinks it would be a great idea to ship in foreign workers to Australia so that they can work for $2 per hour.

Yeah, the evil workers of Australia. Greedy lazy and dishonest. How DARE they demand a small proportion of the pie. A pie that was given to Oligarchs like Gina reinhart and Palmer

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« Last Edit: Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:10pm by Chimp_Logic »  

Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #458 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:05pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm:
First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

What happens in a skill shortage is that we hand out 457s to artificially distort the employment market, thus keeping wages down for employers as they don't have to bid on rare resources as the market would dictate or spend the money training that they might have to otherwise. Capitalists, let the market sort it out unless it doesn't favour them, then manipulate it.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #459 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:14pm
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:05pm:
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm:
First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

What happens in a skill shortage is that we hand out 457s to artificially distort the employment market, thus keeping wages down for employers as they don't have to bid on rare resources as the market would dictate or spend the money training that they might have to otherwise. Capitalists, let the market sort it out unless it doesn't favour us, then manipulate it.

Real capitalists no, statists maybe. I'd still say let the market sort it out because the market isn't a real entity the market is every human being's actions adding together to create an equilibrium. By intervening you distort the market and upset the balance.

It's weird because there are benefit from free trade, but then people see consequences yet don't realize the consequences are still from a lack of free trade. I'll give an example see if you agree.

The peoples republic of capitalism:

In this video there is an example where a company outsourced the manufacture of it's motors to china for cheaper labor, thus providing cheaper motors for people all around the world. (benefit) Except people that were working in the US had their jobs outsourced. (consequence). But this is where the distortion comes in.

If it was a free market these employees would be free to float where there is actual demand, so if china has cheap manufacturing and the US has cheap services they could float into services and fulfill demand there. (just for arguments sake)However in the us there's regulations etc here that distort that and keep these people out of jobs they would otherwise have. Maybe they don't have the relevant licensing for other jobs, maybe they can't get unskilled worked due to some reasons.

But if you opened up the whole world with free trade everyone benefits and an equilibrium can be found. Here you have China promoting free trade, benefiting with jobs and benefiting people it exports too with cheaper goods, yet the US isn't opening up and deregulating which distorts the US.

In china people can just go from poverty in the rural areas to manual labour in the cities, yes they don't earn much compared to us here, but they come out of poverty and opportunity opens up. But look here in AUS, because of safety regulations etc you need licensing, auditing, blue cards etc (all well intentioned) that stifle peoples ability to obtain employment. It distorts the equilibrium.

"There are no solutions only trade offs" - Thomas Sowell
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« Last Edit: Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:26pm by Vuk11 »  

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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #460 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:16pm
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:05pm:
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm:
First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

What happens in a skill shortage is that we hand out 457s to artificially distort the employment market, thus keeping wages down for employers as they don't have to bid on rare resources as the market would dictate or spend the money training that they might have to otherwise. Capitalists, let the market sort it out unless it doesn't favour them, then manipulate it.

Australia is even importing medical doctors each year to work in rural areas etc.

Professions such as engineering, teaching, science etc are being imported, saves money on Australia educating and training them.

There is the other reason too - lower wages, short term contracts, FLEXIBLE working hours

Have you noticed that the FLEXIBLE working regimes seem to apply only to the working classes.

CEOs and managers rarely WORK in a flexible manner nor do they work Night shifts

Those dirty lazy greedy workers wanting overtime and penalty rates for working on Sunday and after hours.

Filthy rotten evil workers

Not like Gina and Clive...

these hard working Australians drag home thousands of dollars per minute.

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #461 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:30pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:14pm:
Real capitalists no, statists maybe. I'd still say let the market sort it out because the market isn't a real entity the market is every human being's actions adding together to create an equilibrium. By intervening you distort the market and upset the balance.

Yes real capitalists. Capitalism is the quest for capital, for profit.. If it helps the bottom line, they will be for it, that is the nature of the beast. I'm not a big fan of so called "free trade" agreements either.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #462 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:31pm
Wouldn't it make sense that all benefits of employment are negotiated between employers, employees and unions?

It's ridiculous that business can't dictate it's own opening hours or whether they can afford penalty rates or not.

Some employees would work a Saturday for normal rate for extra income, however it is illegal for an employer to voluntarily offer extra work, and an employee to voluntarily accept it if there is a state mandated penalty rate, especially if an employer can't afford it, IE small business. Just one more barrier for small business to compete, just like minimum wage stopping paid training for the unskilled.

This entitlement mentality has gotten out of hand. People have grown up being told they are entitled for more for weekends. Yet people aren't that religious anymore so working on the Sabbath means jack sh*t, it's just another day to some.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #463 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:34pm
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:30pm:
Yes real capitalists. Capitalism is the quest for capital, for profit.. If it helps the bottom line, they will be for it, that is the nature of the beast. I'm not a big fan of so called "free trade" agreements either.

So does that mean you think a state should be able to dictate with the threat of violence who you can and can't voluntarily interact with?

What makes anyone think people in government have the necessary information to understand the true impact these decisions have?

It's morally reprehensible to me for a small group of people to be able to dictate to everyone else who they may or may not interact with and what they may or may not voluntarily do. Pure totalitarian BS!
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #464 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:37pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:16pm:
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:05pm:
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm:
First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

What happens in a skill shortage is that we hand out 457s to artificially distort the employment market, thus keeping wages down for employers as they don't have to bid on rare resources as the market would dictate or spend the money training that they might have to otherwise. Capitalists, let the market sort it out unless it doesn't favour them, then manipulate it.

Australia is even importing medical doctors each year to work in rural areas etc.

Professions such as engineering, teaching, science etc are being imported, saves money on Australia educating and training them.

There is the other reason too - lower wages, short term contracts, FLEXIBLE working hours

Have you noticed that the FLEXIBLE working regimes seem to apply only to the working classes.

CEOs and managers rarely WORK in a flexible manner nor do they work Night shifts

Those dirty lazy greedy workers wanting overtime and penalty rates for working on Sunday and after hours.

Filthy rotten evil workers

Not like Gina and Clive...

these hard working Australians drag home thousands of dollars per minute.

It's pretty disgraceful isn't it, our medical system subsidised by third world countries. The people of those countries pay to train doctors etc and then see no benefit as they are head hunted to work here and other western countries..

I see you have the Hutt family album there..
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