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Question: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Yes, ofcause.    
  18 (72.0%)
No, it doesnt    
  7 (28.0%)

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Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? (Read 59648 times)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #465 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:39pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:34pm:
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:30pm:
Yes real capitalists. Capitalism is the quest for capital, for profit.. If it helps the bottom line, they will be for it, that is the nature of the beast. I'm not a big fan of so called "free trade" agreements either.

So does that mean you think a state should be able to dictate with the threat of violence who you can and can't voluntarily interact with?

All of a sudden vuk11 is disgusted with US foreign imperialist policy on behalf of its beloved fascist corporate regime

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #466 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:45pm
I'm disgusted by all state actions and BS.
Hence why I advocate a stateless society......obviously stateless societ =/= != status quo, so I don't know why you'd confuse me with a corporate shill.....if I want to take away the corporate power base of subsidies and state given powers.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #467 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:46pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:03pm:
they decidedly changed their tune a bit.

I love this. It is definitely a quotable quote maybe
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #468 - Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:49pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:46pm:
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:03pm:
they decidedly changed their tune a bit.

I love this. It is definitely a quotable quote maybe

Am I wrong?
The nugget controversy etc
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #469 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:00am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:45pm:
I'm disgusted by all state actions and BS.
Hence why I advocate a stateless society......obviously stateless societ =/= != status quo, so I don't know why you'd confuse me with a corporate shill.....if I want to take away the corporate power base of subsidies and state given powers.

over 97% of all inventions and important developments are a direct result of state funded research.

The very internet you are on at the moment is a product of your little socialistic state enterprises

Everything you see around you is almost entirely due to the State.

You little corporatized fascist capitalist system gets handed PROVEN technologies and then proceeds to market them and generate profit with its model of low quality, disposability, short warrantee, and WORKER exploitation programs

The corporates never take risks - especially long term risks. They must make short term profit at any cost.

This is exactly why Humanity is regressing from a knowledge point of view.

Have you examined the Nobel Prize winners and their areas of research since the Nobel Prize was started?

How can you compare the Nobel Prize for Physics given to say, Paul Dirac (shear brilliance at the age of 23 or so) with the three clowns that got the Chemistry Nobel prize this year. They apparently wrote a computer simulation program.

The big ideas aren't been tackled - a trend that has been getting worse by the decade.

And its all the fault of the corporate capitalist fascist ideal. THE CORPOCRACY!!!

the banking scams you support

The fascism you worship vuk11 - you deranged hypocritical self absorbed sheet of crystallised weasel urine
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #470 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:08am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:22pm:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:10pm:
capitalism, like other un-natural, inhumane,  inefficient, self regressive, self destructive forms of tyranny and fascist evil cannot, by definition, be morally defended in any society by any individual at any time and under no circumstances whatsoever

Proponents of the Non-aggression principle, property rights and voluntary interaction would disagree.

Though you are either:

A. Asserting that property rights, voluntary trade and the NAP are somehow morally indefensible?

B. Asserting that free market capitalism = the current crony corporatism and that crony corporatism cannot be morally defended therefore free market capitalism can't either?

If A, you are objectively wrong in every sense.
If B, I would argue that Free market capitalism =/= != Crony Corporate Fascism.

I would also argue that Capitalism in it's truest sense is not; unnatural, self-destructive, inefficient and inhumane.

Last night I outlined 3 sonarios and asked 4 questions intended to elucidate this grand non-aggression principle of yors but so far you have chosen not to answer. Until you do you cannot rely on it to justify anything since its validity remains under a cloud.   
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:25am by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #471 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:30am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:34pm:
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:30pm:
Yes real capitalists. Capitalism is the quest for capital, for profit.. If it helps the bottom line, they will be for it, that is the nature of the beast. I'm not a big fan of so called "free trade" agreements either.

So does that mean you think a state should be able to dictate with the threat of violence who you can and can't voluntarily interact with?

What makes anyone think people in government have the necessary information to understand the true impact these decisions have?

It's morally reprehensible to me for a small group of people to be able to dictate to everyone else who they may or may not interact with and what they may or may not voluntarily do. Pure totalitarian BS!

I decided on a short answer with more questions you won't answer.

Want to try voluntarily interaction with Al Quaida? If the state/polity stop you is it wrong?

Free trade agreements? What makes you think capitalists do? Who else should do this?

Unfortunately society is as perfect as humans but it is the basis of our existence, it's the nature of the beast. Not everything is black and white, can capitalism change this? Can it just paint it black?
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #472 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:49am
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:08am:
Last night I outlined 3 sonarios and asked 4 questions intended to elucidate this grand non-aggression principle of yors but so far you have chosen not to answer. Until you do you cannot rely on it to justify anything since its validity remains under a cloud.   

I replied many times to many questions largely ignored.
Above is a post with "." I wrote a big spiel but at the end of the day I realized it didn't matter.

No matter how many questions I answer there's still a disconnect with definitions of terms. I would like to have a proper discussion throw some questions back and forth but too much is being ignored and flooded with random posts that it just seems pointless now.

In the now deleted post I basically said apply the following to any questions I've missed: DRO's and credit rating agencies (this goes for fraud and even pollution as outlined in the one page article no one wants to read), people protect what they own (again on the pollution thing aswell) a respect for property rights and the NAP.

Apply the above and then we can find out what questions I really missed or ones that I need to expand on.

I was going to make another thread tomorrow or sometime and try to have a little bit of a structured debate but yesterday I pretty much game up trying to explain because the four of you wouldn't even clarify your stance on common terms that are being misunderstood, so what am I to do just be an internet library and answer question after question after question with people misunderstanding over and over?
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:58am by Vuk11 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #473 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:54am
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:00am:
over 97% of all inventions and important developments are a direct result of state funded research.

The very internet you are on at the moment is a product of your little socialistic state enterprises

Everything you see around you is almost entirely due to the State.

Yeah nah this pisses me off. First off I don't support the banking bullshit I've said this many times.

Secondly 97% of inventions haven't been state funded the majority have been investor funded and the market has brought them the industrial revolution and many many many other things.

The internet is that single annoying little example statists use of "the government did this!".

This is fallacious, you are asserting that since the state did it, that had the state not interfered in the market had it not done it than we would not have the internet. There is no reason to suggest that any state aided invention would not have been invented anyway in the market place. Yes war has sped up and added many inventions like rockets, satellites etc but this does not mean it wouldn't have been done.

Not just the but most importantly THE STATE DOESN'T FUND ANYTHING. Taxpayers fund things, the state steals from tax payers to fund things, and those tax payer funds come from interaction in the market. So if there were no market you wouldn't have any tax payer funds from which to fund any research so stfu with your state worship they've done nothing good but killed 400+ million souls in 100 years.

John McAfee in the market today is already working on something that could easily replace the current "state internet" (funded by tax payers and I don't see states running all the ISP do we?) with something they can't manipulate with the NSA etc.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #474 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:55am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:14pm:
Setanta wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:05pm:
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm:
First off when there is a skill shortage, the people with qualifications are being fought over and have large amounts of borrowing power.

What happens in a skill shortage is that we hand out 457s to artificially distort the employment market, thus keeping wages down for employers as they don't have to bid on rare resources as the market would dictate or spend the money training that they might have to otherwise. Capitalists, let the market sort it out unless it doesn't favour us, then manipulate it.

Real capitalists no, statists maybe. I'd still say let the market sort it out because the market isn't a real entity the market is every human being's actions adding together to create an equilibrium. By intervening you distort the market and upset the balance.

It's weird because there are benefit from free trade, but then people see consequences yet don't realize the consequences are still from a lack of free trade. I'll give an example see if you agree.

The peoples republic of capitalism:

In this video there is an example where a company outsourced the manufacture of it's motors to china for cheaper labor, thus providing cheaper motors for people all around the world. (benefit ) Except people that were working in the US had their jobs outsourced. (consequence -
Why do you label this a "consequence", why don't you label this a " detriment". Alternatively why didn't you label the thing you called a "benefit", "a consequence".  Its your deceitful capitalist double speak again. Everything that's good is thanks to capitalism, everything that's bad is either neutral or the governments fault
). But this is where the distortion comes in.

If it was a free market
(I refuse to use the expression "free market" because its a distortion of the truth. In its place I will use the expression "slave market" for the sake of accuracy0
these employees would be free to float where there is actual demand, so if china has cheap manufacturing and the US has cheap services they could float into services and fulfill demand there
(What he means is that we can be free to chase slave labor wages all over the world)
. (just for arguments sake)However in the us there's regulations etc here that distort that and keep these people out of jobs
(and protect us from slave wages which we fought for with blood from the beginning of the industrial revolution)
they would otherwise have
(I love how capitalists equate all jobs the same doesn't matter that the conditions and pay is sh!t. "We created a million new jobs" Doesn't seem to matter that they are all slave sh!t jobs) 
. Maybe they don't have the relevant licensing for other jobs, maybe they can't get unskilled worked due to some reasons.

But if you opened up the whole world with free trade 
(slave trade)
everyone benefits and an equilibrium can be found. Here you have China promoting free trade, benefiting with jobs and benefiting people it exports too with cheaper goods, yet the US isn't opening up and deregulating which distorts the US.

In china people can just go from poverty in the rural areas to manual labour in the cities, yes they don't earn much compared to us here, but they come out of poverty
(they don't. They are working poor)
and opportunity opens up. But look here in AUS, because of safety regulations etc you need licensing, auditing, blue cards etc 
(Can you believe this little sh!t. We have to abandon our safety regulations so that children can have factory buildings collapse on them while they make shoes for Nike
(all well intentioned) that stifle peoples ability to obtain employment
(There it is again. A job is a job even if it puts your life at risk.But I thought that's how employers justify profits.  For taking the risks.  Turns out we take the risks and get paid slave wages). If this guys a kid he is a monstrous little kid.  But is he American? and who does he men when he says "we". You notice he says "we" often.  Like "we" believe this and we believe that.  Who is this "we"? 
. It distorts the equilibrium.

"There are no solutions only trade offs" - Thomas Sowell

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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:03am by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #475 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:01am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:54am:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:00am:
over 97% of all inventions and important developments are a direct result of state funded research.

The very internet you are on at the moment is a product of your little socialistic state enterprises

Everything you see around you is almost entirely due to the State.

Yeah nah this pisses me off. First off I don't support the banking bullshit I've said this many times.

Secondly 97% of inventions haven't been state funded .

You understand very little about the world around.

Pointless even engaging in a conversation with you

You behave like a corporatised parrot and capitalist puppet.

Re read your own comments and enjoy your own dissent into madness
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #476 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:12am
Why do you label this consequence, why don't you label this detriment. Alternatively why didn't you label the thing you called a benefit, a consequence.  Its your deceitful capitalist double speak again. Everything that's good is thanks to capitalism, everything that's bad is either neutral or the governments fault

Apologies I wasn't trying to do any double speak I though people would understand where I meant benefit/consequence in the negative sense. But you do understand because you have pointed out that the words should be detriment instead of consequence.

I'm basically first off showing the state immorality. But in that particular post it was mainly about misconceptions, people seems to go "jobs outsourced OMG" therefore capitalism = bad. When I can show that it comes back to states throttling peoples opportunity and ability to interact with each other. 

"slave trade slave wages slave labour", if you want to debate wage slaveries existence and more importantly it's cause I'm willing to do so. I was merely trying to clear up a misconception as above.

Would you not say to the Chinese worker that going from rural poverty to residential labour above poverty is beneficial?

Do you really think that if regulations are lifted children would just go work in factories for nike? Are you serious? Please tell me why this would happen? Just because you'd be allowed to doesn't mean anyone with any sense would do that. But maybe there's a homeless kid and maybe they have 0 family all dead but they can't get a job to feed themselves because it's illegal, so have to rely on charity/foster homes etc.

You guys fear way to much I really don't see any reason in debating people with a lack of imagination and worse yet a lack of logic, it's sadly like you guys are ruled purely by fear it's pretty worrying. You really think that if there weren't arbitrary rules there people would just all start doing ridiculous poo for the sake of profit.

Dude seriously please let's clear something up. Minimum wage for starters, do people earn above minimum wage or not? If so than the necessity of a minimum wage isn't there for anyone who earns above it, what in your view is making people get paid above minimum wage if there isn't a government to dictate it?

Also just a tiny little example but the logic of what I'm talking about:
Queue in a shopping center. Is there a law saying not to cut in queue? Well then why do people queue up? Because A. you'd be refused service and B. You'd be ostracized by the public. (of course this isn't absolute we've all seen rude pr*cks before)

My point is you don't have to have a law there to make sure something doesn't happen. Just think about this for 2 minutes, you're an employer, either spend a little bit of money on a safety auditor or run the risk of employees suing you for millions. Take the DRO idea I mentioned. Is it so hard to believe that there'd be a Claus in the contract stipulating health and safety that the DRO enforced on the employer? If not then is it so hard to imagine that an entrepreneur would come along and go "If I offer health and safety A. I won't be getting sued for million and B. all the skilled employees will flock to me and I can have the best of the bunch!". Remember in a free society there is no limited liability so it falls on the business owners, they can't hid behind the business name.

This is the type of thinking I wish you guys would get into, pretend you are an entrepreneur, look at what is really profitable and you will see how issues will be sorted out.

Also Spartcaus you said "he says we a lot" funny that.... in the quote you replied to I didn't say WE once. You said it 9 times?
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #477 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:15am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:49am:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:08am:
Last night I outlined 3 sonarios and asked 4 questions intended to elucidate this grand non-aggression principle of yors but so far you have chosen not to answer. Until you do you cannot rely on it to justify anything since its validity remains under a cloud.   

I replied many times to many questions largely ignored.
Above is a post with "." I wrote a big spiel but at the end of the day I realized it didn't matter.

No matter how many questions I answer there's still a disconnect with definitions of terms. I would like to have a proper discussion throw some questions back and forth but too much is being ignored and flooded with random posts that it just seems pointless now.

In the now deleted post I basically said apply the following to any questions I've missed: DRO's and credit rating agencies (this goes for fraud and even pollution as outlined in the one page article no one wants to read), people protect what they own (again on the pollution thing aswell) a respect for property rights and the NAP.

Apply the above and then we can find out what questions I really missed or ones that I need to expand on.

I was going to make another thread tomorrow or sometime and try to have a little bit of a structured debate but yesterday I pretty much game up trying to explain because the four of you wouldn't even clarify your stance on common terms that are being misunderstood, so what am I to do just be an internet library and answer question after question after question with people misunderstanding over and over?

No, your avoiding a legitimate discussion that goes to the very heart of the difference between capitalism as it is today and the perfect capitalism that you are advocating for in the future.  You say your system is a superior moral system but you refuse to explain it.  I believe its because you know that the answers to the questions i asked last night will prove to be quite horrifying.  But if you want to sell this thing you got to explain it no matter how difficult it may be t justify.  Either that or abandon it all together because it embarrasses you to be seen to be justifying it. Courage Boy!
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #478 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:21am
Spartacus you seem to sort of want an actual discussion and not to troll.
Why don't you just take me up on my offer? Help me clarify some terms so I'm on the same page. List the questions I haven't answered and I would happily go through them and explain everything.

If you want an explanation of the Non-aggression principle I'd be happy to, are you also confused about property rights? Property is pretty simple - Self ownership, ownership of actions and the effects of these actions.

I'm willing to answer questions and fire some back, but I would ask some courtesy in that we clarify terms and perhaps if you could just read that one page so you can understand the logic behind the solutions. The solutions are basically how would you satisfy this demand as an entrepreneur.

I also want to get one thing straight. The reason why I'm against the state also is humility. No one knows how everything should be, no one has all the answers,  about how everyone should live, who should marry whom, how much work everyone should do etc etc. The point is I don't have to have all the answers to 1 million what if questions. The most important analogy to explain what I just said is the slave one:

I don't have to know how the cotton will be picked if there are no slaves I just no slavery is immoral and if people want shirts then they're going to find a way for the cotton to be picked.

However what I can do is shoot a few solutions and a few ideas to get that way of thinking across. I also challenge you guys to add to it, if I give a solution take it and say how you would improve on it. It takes the collective innovation of every human to solve complex social problems, not passing them on to "intellectuals" and asking them to tell us how to live.

You don't need a government to know a broken employee isn't as productive has a healthy one, to know not to cut inline at the shops, to know stealing is immoral etc etc.

Sadly there's no moderators to keep it on topic and civil etc. But if you want a proper discussion I'm definitely up for it over a period of time.
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:31am by Vuk11 »  
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #479 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 2:03am
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 1:12am:
Why do you label this consequence, why don't you label this detriment. Alternatively why didn't you label the thing you called a benefit, a consequence.  Its your deceitful capitalist double speak again. Everything that's good is thanks to capitalism, everything that's bad is either neutral or the governments fault

Apologies I wasn't trying to do any double speak I though people would understand where I meant benefit/consequence in the negative sense. But you do understand because you have pointed out that the words should be detriment instead of consequence.

I'm basically first off showing the state immorality. But in that particular post it was mainly about misconceptions, people seems to go "jobs outsourced OMG" therefore capitalism = bad. When I can show that it comes back to states throttling peoples opportunity and ability to interact with each other. 

What you call the state throttling opportunity is in fact hard fought for laws and paid for in blood by working people from the start of the industrial revolution because at that time when capitalism was entirely unregulated (which you would call free market capitalism - yes, yes, its been done already don't lie about it)  Capitalists worked people in shocking conditions for 16 to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, in dangerous conditions (which resulted in numerous horrific injuries and deaths) for just enough pay for them to feed themselves to return to work the following day. This is historical.  its well documented.  I don't think anyone denies it. And that evil was the Capitalist's evil. Not the Government's. The capitalist's. Now you say you want to get rid of those laws because its throttling our opportunity.  Whose being paternalistic now. We know what s good for us. dont you tell us whats good for us. Those laws protect us from the excesses of capitalism and from the brutality of your system should it ever come to pass.      

"slave trade slave wages slave labour", if you want to debate wage slaveries existence and more importantly it's cause I'm willing to do so. I was merely trying to clear up a misconception as above.
Again, your double speak.  If I disagree with you you call it a misconception on my part.  For all your finger pointing at the so called evils of government you readily use their tactics in trying to confuse us. So get this straight. when I disagree with you its not because of a misconception.  Its because you're wrong!

Would you not say to the Chinese worker that going from rural poverty to residential labour above poverty is beneficial?

Why do you label it "residential labour above poverty". Do you think those factory workers are not poor.  They work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and cant afford to buy the things they make.  Whereas you buy them without a moments thought. And why do you live so well. Government regulation that protects you from the excesses of Capitalism and forces them to pay you a decent wage and which we would lose in an instance if we adopted your vicious slave market system.  And we know that's true because when the industrial revolution began that's what the capitalists did and it did not start getting better until the 1832 reform Act in the UK. Take a moment away from those propaganda sites you go to and do some independent study.  You might start seeing how unreal the system your advocating is.  Oh and pay your taxes.  Its what you owe for the privilege of being allowed to live as part of a community. Otherwise p!ss off back to the jungle and lets watch you come running back in no time, "please, please, I wont to be civilized again save me."

To be continued

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