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Question: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Yes, ofcause.    
  18 (72.0%)
No, it doesnt    
  7 (28.0%)

Total votes: 25
« Created by: Pantheon on: Oct 29th, 2013 at 9:31am »

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Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? (Read 59678 times)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #495 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 6:23pm
When the Egyptians constructed the Pyramids and the ancient Greeks built numerous temples and statues, then is no mention in any historical texts that these architectural and engineering feats were carried out to generate a material PROFIT or financial gain. And the ancient Greeks did have a currency at the time. The worlds oldest and longest running currency, the drahma, was eventually replaced by the Euro several thousand years later.

Readeth in detail. There were many skilled craftsmen and marble column fluters that were need to build the Parthenon.

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #496 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:15pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 12:34pm:
Phemanderac wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:01am:
The only check/balance mechanism that has been built into "employment" within capitalism has been the trade union movement - albeit horribly flawed in its modern incarnation. Prior to that, employers who employed under a capitalist model did indeed dictate what wages and conditions MIGHT be forthcoming.

Whilst the system of itself does not (IMHO) exploit workers, the old story about its inbuilt checks and balances is not consistently demonstrated through out history as being either effective or genuine.

This all comes back to depending on the individual people who are implementing, exploiting and monopolising the system.

That's part of the main argument for a free market. That the reason we've had so many issues in history is because the equilibrium in the market has been distorted with state involvement, with business given powers by the state such as limited liability as far back as the East India Trading Company and so on.

Do you agree with the following logic:

5 business' are the only light bulb sellers in the country. They all decide to get together in private (announcing this on public would be ridiculous) and collude to raise prices quite a bit.

This has three consequences that combine to be a natural check/balance:
1. Raise the prices too high and people who can't afford them are no longer buying, people that can afford them are now switching to alternatives IE Candles/Torches, maybe some other alternative is brought it like....glow worms in a jar Cheesy

2. With the loss in business each of the 5 business' now have a massive incentive to dip just a tiny bit and get all of the customers to flock to them. The moment one breaks ranks and they always do (collusion between multiple business AFAIK has never held long term ever) the start to drop rapidly as they try to out compete each other.

3. You open up competition from entrepreneurs to create a 6th/7th business to compete with lower prices

This is one of the natural checks/balances that prevent collusion and monopolies etc. Also on monopolies in a free market the moment you take on debt to buy up other business you put yourself at a competitive disadvantage to those business that only need to worry about their own expenses. As you buy up companies the subsequent one becomes more and more expensive. You run the risk of the last company saying "No we won't sell out", or collapsing under the weight of debt, or having competitors compete with you whilst you have to pay back so much debt IE raise your prices/cut profits to pay the debt.

Another check and balance in a truly free market is consumers ability to simply stop dealing with companies that don't meet their needs or do something they find reprehensible. If McDonalds starts raising an army to force people to buy big Mac's in the absence of government well first off it has to fight the people, any defense DRO's, people will stop going to maccas, there may be clauses with banks for all business' where if you are found to be doing ridiculous things like that you have your accounts frozen, electricity cut etc etc.

I think we are so used to the way things are now that it would be impossible for business to radically change things such as wages etc unless through market forces. If business cut wages for no reason and stop OHS then you have massive incentive for A. someone to come in and offer those things taking all the skilled laborers and B. A fit workforce is a productive workforce, it's inefficient to have everyone broken and suing you.

No, its garbage and certainly not logical or akin to reality.  Its like a 1930s Frank Capra film where everything is contrived to end happily ever after even though we know it could and more often then not, does go badly.  What about were the goods involved are essential or vital, like petrol, gas in winter, or the only food stores in town.  What about where the business men hold their ground, they don't cave in because they have no cash flow problems or whats at stake for them financially is too important tothem.  What about where there just are no viable alternatives. What about where people just simply put up with it, which is more often exactly what happens.  What if this oligopoly holds the town to ransom for a year and then breaks. Are you going to say "seee, see, the system worked" What garbage. it didn't work. A whole township was held to ransome and screwed over by 5 little men.  You cant run a community that way.  Some times people have to put their personal interests aside for the sake of the whole..  That's how humanity has achieved all it has.  Because of that kind of co-operation.  And what you refuse to discuss is the morality of what these cronies are doing.

You keep asserting without properly arguing that the system you are advocating is highly moral. From where i sit not only is it not moral, its evil.  You need to stop avoiding the main issue and answer the questions i have asked on the moral issues otherwise we're just listening to these stupid fairy tales over and over with no end in sight.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #497 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:31pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 5:35pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 1:37pm:
|dev|null wrote on Nov 8th, 2013 at 11:12am:
Pantheon wrote on Nov 7th, 2013 at 11:45am:
|dev|null wrote on Nov 7th, 2013 at 11:29am:
Why don't you credit your sources?  Ayn Rand?  Yea gods!  Individual rights at the expense of destroying society! Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy

Google....Its really not hard, plus im on my phone and its difficult at best!

Your failure to address the point I made about Rand is noted.

Rand and other such advocates of capitalism attack the very basis of civilisation - collective, co-operative actions to create something which is much greater than the sum of it's individual components.  Without such collective, co-operative action, we would not have cities, we would not have edifices such as the Pyramids, the Parthenon, and so on across the world.  We would not have networks such as the internet.  We originally banded together for protection, now we band together for the synergistic effect of working together as a collective.   Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin

It's funny you mention the Pyramids and Parthenon. Egypt and Greece were slave economies. I thought "progressives" were interested in workers' rights? Hilarious.

You miss his point, the Pyramids and the Pathenon were not built by slaves.  The Pyramids are now believed to have been built primarily by free men, brought together by the Pharoanic State, for periods of where they gave their labour to build the Pyramids.  The Parthenon was again, largely built with free labour, not slaves.  In both cases, religion was the motivation (with in the Egyptian case perhaps a bit of prodding from the State).

His point however is very valid.  Co-operative, collective effort is the basis of civilisation.  Randites (is there such a word for followers of Rand and her Libertarian creed?) prefer to believe the basis is the individual.  As Thatcher once famously decreed, "there is no such thing as society!"  She of course was ideologically drive to deny it.  The rest of the world just rolled it's eyes collectively and got on with one another, keeping society running. 

If I may Brian, there is nothing Libertarian about Ayn Rand and her creed. John Stuart Mills was using that expression at least a century before rand and friedman (who hijacked the word for his propaganda) to name his moral philosophy "Libertarianism" which is entirely at odds with the repugnant beliefs of Rand.  As you will probably know a libertarian believes that to be moral a person must act to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number.  And we know that Rand was far too selfish and self centered to even allow such a thought to cross her mind.   
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:37pm by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Brian Ross
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #498 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #499 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:02pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm:
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).

Yes the American right are the only ones who use Libertarian in that way. Its in their nature to be misleading   
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #500 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:03pm
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm:
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).

I don't think you were corrected, you are not wrong. What else can you call them, when that is what they call themselves? Besides nutters.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #501 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:13pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:02pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm:
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).

Yes the American right are the only ones who use Libertarian in that way. Its in their nature to be misleading   

No sorry Brian, its I who should be corrected.  I got my terms confused.  John Stuart Mill developed Utilitarianism (greatest happiness for the greatest number).  My problem is whenever I see ayn rand's name I lose it.  But it still remains as Chomsky says that the Americans use libertarian totally opposite to the way the rest of the world does.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #502 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:19pm
Setanta wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 6:16pm:
When I said I wasn't a big fan of free trade agreements, it not because of outsourcing, it because of our laws being overridden. I like the PBS, will the TPP stuff with that? Allow foreign corps to sue our govt for disallowing something they think they have a right to? Dunno, it's secret. We had to bend our copyright and other laws for the FTA with the US. The current discussions of a FTA with China, Abbott says it must be done in 12 months, putting a time on it means he must keep it or be politically embarrassed. China now know the deadline and can hold off to get whatever the want. It's not the trade, it's the agreements and laws that come with it.

I can't help but agree with you there, especially in regards to the US/China basically morphing us into what they want.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #503 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:25pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:13pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:02pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm:
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).

Yes the American right are the only ones who use Libertarian in that way. Its in their nature to be misleading   

No sorry Brian, its I who should be corrected.  I got my terms confused.  John Stuart Mill developed Utilitarianism (greatest happiness for the greatest number).  My problem is whenever I see ayn rand's name I lose it.  But it still remains as Chomsky says that the Americans use libertarian totally opposite to the way the rest of the world does.    

...and its not just with Libertarianism that this distortion has flourished within all levels of US society.

Basic concepts such as Democracy, freedom, human rights and even Religious morality such as Christianity, have been totally hijacked by the power structures in the USA.

And I think its corporate capitalism that has enabled this to occur. The Corpocracy! The marriage of state and corporate power = fascism.

The US supreme court in 2010 actually ruled on the status of what a corporation is - apparently a corporation is a "person" and is protected under the constitution and bill of rights (although these cornerstones of US society are currently suspended via the Patriot Acts and NDAA etc - that's another topic for another time)

There can be a role for the corporate entity to function in a society, but only in the economic sphere. There is no ROLE for corporations in the Political or decision making process - ie real democracy.
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #504 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:25pm
From Wikipedia:

"Colin Ward writes that anarchists used the term before it was appropriated by American free-market philosophers[36] and Noam Chomsky asserts that, outside the United States, the terms "libertarian" and "libertarianism" are synonymous with anarchism.[37] Frank Fernandez asserts that in the United States, the term "has been hijacked by egotists who are in fact enemies of liberty."
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #505 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:28pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:19pm:
Setanta wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 6:16pm:
When I said I wasn't a big fan of free trade agreements, it not because of outsourcing, it because of our laws being overridden. I like the PBS, will the TPP stuff with that? Allow foreign corps to sue our govt for disallowing something they think they have a right to? Dunno, it's secret. We had to bend our copyright and other laws for the FTA with the US. The current discussions of a FTA with China, Abbott says it must be done in 12 months, putting a time on it means he must keep it or be politically embarrassed. China now know the deadline and can hold off to get whatever the want. It's not the trade, it's the agreements and laws that come with it.

I can't help but agree with you there, especially in regards to the US/China basically morphing us into what they want.

Yes indeed - and China uses a state run pseudo capitalist model while the USA uses a corporately run pseudo capitalist model.

The difference is trivial and results in fascism in both nations.

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #506 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:31pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:28pm:
Yes indeed - and China uses a state run pseudo capitalist model while the USA uses a corporately run pseudo capitalist model.

The difference is trivial and results in fascism in both nations.

Not to mention the tax cows thinking life in the farm/abattoir = freedom and that their representatives do what they can for the good of all. IMO it starts in public schools indoctrination about authority, following orders, being busy little worker bees.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Prussian education system designed to create good little factory workers?
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #507 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:32pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:25pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:13pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:02pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 7:50pm:
I stand corrected then ImSpartacus2.  I've always understood that Rand was one of the heroes of Libertarianism (or that strange far right version of it many Americans claim to believe in).

Yes the American right are the only ones who use Libertarian in that way. Its in their nature to be misleading   

No sorry Brian, its I who should be corrected.  I got my terms confused.  John Stuart Mill developed Utilitarianism (greatest happiness for the greatest number).  My problem is whenever I see ayn rand's name I lose it.  But it still remains as Chomsky says that the Americans use libertarian totally opposite to the way the rest of the world does.    

...and its not just with Libertarianism that this distortion has flourished within all levels of US society.

Basic concepts such as Democracy, freedom, human rights and even Religious morality such as Christianity, have been totally hijacked by the power structures in the USA.

And I think its corporate capitalism that has enabled this to occur. The Corpocracy! The marriage of state and corporate power = fascism.

The US supreme court in 2010 actually ruled on the status of what a corporation is - apparently a corporation is a "person" and is protected under the constitution and bill of rights (although these cornerstones of US society are currently suspended via the Patriot Acts and NDAA etc - that's another topic for another time)

There can be a role for the corporate entity to function in a society, but only in the economic sphere. There is no ROLE for corporations in the Political or decision making process - ie real democracy.

Didn't that ruling also give them speech rights and decide money is also freedom of speech? I want someone done trying to bribe a traffic cop to defend himself in court claiming that he was just using his freedom of speech. Cheesy
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #508 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:36pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:31pm:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:28pm:
Yes indeed - and China uses a state run pseudo capitalist model while the USA uses a corporately run pseudo capitalist model.

The difference is trivial and results in fascism in both nations.

Not to mention the tax cows thinking life in the farm/abattoir = freedom and that their representatives do what they can for the good of all. IMO it starts in public schools indoctrination about authority, following orders, being busy little worker bees.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Prussian education system designed to create good little factory workers?

I thought it was to produce the worlds best officer class and soldiers.

Edit: These are only the generals, not other officers. Prussia is not a big place.
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Re: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Reply #509 - Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:47pm
Vuk11 wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:31pm:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 9th, 2013 at 8:28pm:
Yes indeed - and China uses a state run pseudo capitalist model while the USA uses a corporately run pseudo capitalist model.

The difference is trivial and results in fascism in both nations.

Not to mention the tax cows thinking life in the farm/abattoir = freedom and that their representatives do what they can for the good of all. IMO it starts in public schools indoctrination about authority, following orders, being busy little worker bees.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Prussian education system designed to create good little factory workers?

...Are you suggesting that the Private Schools foster a different ethical and moral foundation? No evidence for that.

I tend to think the family and peer group environment shapes a lot of what young people believe.

As far as the Prussian worker production line is concerned, you need to remember that there were three major forms of fascism to emerge from the 20th century. Bolshevism, Nazism and Corporatism. (These Prussian workers you describe, where slaves of the fascist Bolsheviks - as much as the Bolsheviks claim to be liberating and pro freedom, their actions and principles suggest otherwise)
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