GoneWest wrote on Oct 30
th, 2013 at 8:48am:
> you sick minded individual
Sad but true. There's nothing the least bit noble or honourable about modern warfare; it's merely disciplined hi-tech murder in the service of banksters and megalomaniacs. I'm strongly of the opinion that the study of the classics should be mandatory in high-school to emphasize the vast changes since the time when men met face-to-face on the field of battle, and equal challenged equal. It may have been brutal and bloody, but there was a real sense of honour and respect for one's foe.
For me, the break came with the napalming of women and children in peaceful IndoChinese villages during the Vietnam conflict. Even worse were the covert teams of big Yankee niggaz sent in to rape and murder village women and children, then leave evidence to "prove" it was done by the North Vietnamese. Since those horrific acts of evil, I've not been able to stomach the Yanks. Deluded old half-wits like this one don't have either the intelligence or sensitivity to understand these issues, but their mind-set is now endemic throughout society.
When I was a lad, football and cricket were sports that everyone played on Saturday arvo (though I played hockey meself). Today they sit at home worshipping their steroid- pumped drug-addled "sports heroes" on TV, scoffing junk food and sculling beer, working themselves into a quasi-sexual frenzy of frustration, then head out to night-clubs to let off some steam. And the do-gooders wring their hands and lament the decline of society whilst the media and sports promoters count their cash. Today's "sport" and celebrity culture are as toxic at home as are our military murderers in countries that have never threatened us.
I see you now understand what a troll is and have fully embraced the lowly internet persona with gusto. Ysou and pansi should get a long like long lost siblings
As a typical dumb sh1t civilian your knowledge is at best limited and at worst a series of vile opinions. You are fool, driven by your own inadequacies from a life of constant failure. As in, your life is total sh1t and you are just lashing out like a petulant child in a hopeless attempt to make yourself feel better.
As for "since the time when men met face-to-face on the field of battle, and equal challenged equal. It may have been brutal and bloody, but there was a real sense of honour and respect for one's foe", what the bugger would you know ya gutless coward, fvcken keyboard warrior wanna-be.