Quote:you mean that it is improper to CRITICSE the judiciary???? Isnt the very nature of our democracy built upon the freedom to express opinion and dissent? As long as the govt doesn't actively interfere with the independence of the judiciary then the right to criticise should be not only permitted but defended.
And that is where Canbull has transgressed. At the very time
during pending proceedings about granting bail to a bike, the Premier made public statements that he expected the Court to put into effect the
intent of the Government.
That put the Judge under active interference because if he refuses to grant bail, (based on the Law and the evidence......
NOT the Government's intent) it still leaves the Court open to logical public perception that it is no longer independent, and has become the stamp licker for Government in implementing government policy, rather than the Law.
separation of powers. It is a simple concept easily taken for granted and it is only when fascists like Joh the Jerk and Canbull think they own the Judges that Joe Blow ever gets to hear about it.
Nothing final out of today's activities in Court (that I've heard) but do not expect Fryberg to back off.
He is getting universal support where it counts, and that is a no brainer because he is 100% right.