Big Dave wrote on Nov 3
rd, 2013 at 9:16am:
It want be long before the do-gooders start bringing in the Gypsies. Knowing how stupid they are I wouldn't be surprised.
It has already been happening for yonkers.
Each year, by the calendar, Irish 'Travellers' arrive in Australia as a gang of up to a dozen or so for their annual seasonal rip-off of the Old Folk ~ bullying ancient widows and widowers to give them jobs re-gravelling their drive-ways or cleaning their roofs.... which they never actually finish before demanding exorbitant payment from the trembling victims.
It's an annual migration just like geese from the marshy steppes of Russia.
Curiously, our moronic 'Border Protection' sentinels fail to spot these criminals, even though they turn up each year wearing the same faces without having had any plastic surgery.
And then we have the annual shop-thieves from Bulgaria and Rumania who do their shop-lifting to an inventory that's been pre-determined by customers in Europe.
These shop-lifters are often found to be composed of extended families.
But then we know it's 'racist' to profile people at the airports for special attention. The staff there are under strict orders NOT to pay any more attention to bearded Arabs than to lil ol' white Caucasian grannies pushing walkers.