Soren wrote on Oct 4
th, 2014 at 11:19am:
Brian Ross wrote on Oct 4
th, 2014 at 1:04am:
Soren wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2014 at 11:24pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 5
th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
OK Baron, but as I've been trying to point out from the very start, this is not my claim to prove. I am not the one claiming Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent girl - and no, the default position is not that she was prepubescent in the absence of any evidence.
It’s yours to disprove, it seems to me, unless it is of no importance whether Mohammed was a a case of raging priapism.
What happened to "innocent until proven guilty", Soren?
Oh, thats right, I forget this about Islam and Muslims, isn't it. Silly me!
Indeed, silly you.
Islam has been proven to be at the heart of endless attrocities. It is not innocent.
Sure you want to go there?
Christianity, "has been proven to be at the heart of endless attrocities. It is not innocent", yet you remain silent on their record. I wonder why? No, you keep trying to persecute Muslims for something which occurred 1400 years ago and by the mores of the day was acceptable. History is littered with examples of marriages contracted and consumated with young brides. Marriage was often used as a diplomatic and political means of ensuring alliances. You have been told this many times but you keep attempting to judge what Muhammed did by modern moral standards, FD. It's silly and it's pointless.
Quote:And the court of public opinion is not a law court, Brain. Islam is the basis of a lot of disgusting and unacceptable deeds and practices. If you are a muslim the question comes up: how can you be a devotee of something like this?
Nonmuslims hold muslims responsible for the state of Islam. Muslims shape Islam, nobody else.
See my answer above. You judge people not on the basis of what
they do but what what
you claim they believe. That is the basis of persecution.
I'd also suggest that unless you are more even handed in your criticism, I will continue to charge you with bigotry and persecution. You do not take Christians to task for their failure to "shape Christianity." You concentrate completely and utterly on Mulims and Islam. One eyed? Yes, you are. You turn a blind-eye to anything Christians do, today in the name of Christianity in favour of attacking Muslims over something that ocurred over 1400 years ago.

Using that logic, the Islamists are correct to point to the historical record of Christianity in the Crusades. Do you think that's fair? I don't. Both are historical points. Modern Christians turning a blind eye to cannibalism, persecution and intolerance of other religions and social groups, such as occurred in the Balkans and India and Africa, all on going, FD yet you remain silent on them. I wonder why?