Xaseui wrote on Nov 25
th, 2013 at 1:11am:
Brian Ross
Quote:How is this different to any other religious belief? Christians belief the most preposterous things about their religion, Jews theirs', etc., etc. Muslims are no different yet you appear to believe that it is perfectly OK to dismiss their views on any issue about their religion. Roll Eyes
Two wrongs dont make a right. You're assuming I'm a Christian.
You started your post talking about assumptions and look at yourself.
I am? Where? I've made no comment about I believe your religious beliefs may be, so perhaps you'd care to show us some evidence for a change?
Quote: Quote:And who are the primary sources for the historians? And you admit that you are relying on "Islamic scholars or leaders". Mmmm, so who ordinary everyday Muslims rely upon for their informed viewpoints on their religion? Could it be "Historians" or "Islamic scholars or leaders"? You seem to be going in ever decreasing circles... Roll Eyes
So basically your logic is that is person A says "Bukhari and Muslim reported in multiple Sahih hadiths that Aisha was 9 when married to 54 year old prophet",
person B can reply saying "But two terrorists in Afghanistan said she was 20 years old when she married Muhammad".
And you're going to accept the arguments of person B, because all the sources are Muslims? You think person B made a valid response?
What I'm saying is that there are few reliable records available as to what her age was. Their contradictions would led a rational person to think twice about making a condemnation, particularly when one considers that marriages were made for many reasons over the last several thousands of years of human existence and in most tribal societies, love and lust are usually far down the list.
You, OTOH, appear to believe that once something is committed to the page, it becomes well, the "Gospel Truth"(tm)
Quote: Quote:What a charmingly naive belief in the inherent accuracy of historical records. Obviously there can never be any bias or hatreds involved in the writing of history in your view then? Roll Eyes
You are a MUSLIM so you're trying to think up of all excuses.
I am? According to whom? You? You've already displayed your prejudices against Muslims quite openly. Most rational people wouldn't care what the religion of their interlocutor was. I've made no statements about my beliefs or non-beliefs, as the case might be, you've automatically assumed merely because I am critical of your rather narrow-minded declarations that I MUST be a "Muslim". You really are proving my case for me, most wonderfully, you realise? You display your religious intolerance openly, your prejudices and your hatreds. There is a word which many accuse me of being over-fond of, which describes that sort of mindset. I do hope you wear your bigotry with some pride?
Quote:Get your Islamic scholars to reject the hadiths and before then, you have no religious authority to doubt the authority of Hadiths.
I have no "Islamic scholars". I don't own people.
Quote: Quote:Actually, it isn't. Particularly if their primary sources are all the same. You obviously have no idea how (medieval) historians researched their works. Invariably they relied upon hearsay and often legend. Often, they relied also upon each other and merely repeated the hearsay and legend as "facts". Modern historians OTOH rely as much as possible on written records or archaeological evidence. Guess what happens when there are no written records or archaeological evidence? They usually just end up repeating the same stories which medieval historians repeated.
BS that is not relevant for this discussion.
Isn't it? Hey, you're the one who's claiming that he is relying upon Medieval Historians for his "facts", not me. I know and understand the fallibility of historians, ancient, middle-ages and modern.
Quote:You have to prove that Bukhari and Muslim are unreliable. That is relevant for the discussion. Go ahead.
I don't have to prove a damn thing. You've proved it for me. You've demonstrated why your opinions are based upon prejudice and ignorance, rather than understanding and knowledge.
Let me remind you of a rather apt quotation from E.P.Hartley, which is rather apt to what went on 1400 years ago in Medieval Arabia, “The past is like another country; they do things differently there.”
Attempting to judge Medieval Arabian social mores by modern standards is a pretty pointless occupation.
Quote:Why are you so afraid of saying whether you're a Muslim or not? Are you embarrassed of being a Muslim?
I'm not afraid, I merely don't see it's relevance. I don't believe religious persecution should be allowed to go unmarked. Our society was founded on the principle of a "fair go" for all. You're definitely not interested in that. Does that make your views "unAustralian"?