A referendum to
recognise local government in the constitution has been postponed, disappointing those who were hoping for an historic change for local councils.
The move would have granted the federal government the power to bypass state and territory governments and provide funding directly to local councils.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says in calling the federal election for September 7, he was unable to move the local government referendum to a week earlier, given that it was scheduled for September 14.
The decision to postpone the referendum has been welcomed by the federal opposition, but has been criticised by local councils as a missed opportunity to push ahead with urgent constitutional reform
.The referendum had originally been proposed under former Prime Minister Julia Gillard's leadership earlier this year.
A bill to hold the referendum was passed by federal parliament on June 24.
But electoral and constitutional laws meant the earliest it could be held alongside a federal election was September 14, the polling day set by Ms Gillard before she lost the Labor leadership to Mr Rudd.
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott initially backed the referendum plan, but he subsequently encouraged people to vote "no" if they didn't understand the changes. changed his mind - remembering he was supposed to oppose EVERYTHING proposed by Labor
Mr Rudd believes the coalition is therefore to blame for the referendum having to be postponed.
"I look with some sadness at the fact that the opposition has withdrawn effectively bipartisan support for that referendum and therefore regrettably, it can't proceed because it cannot be held earlier than the 14th. I've been a long term supporter of constitutional recognition for local government, but I think we're going to have to look at that in the next term."
When the referendum plan was voted on in parliament, six coalition senators voted against it, despite it having the support of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott
.Two coalition MPs also voted against the plan in the House of Representatives