look kat,
you always fail to see the big picture...
there are many pressures in the car industries, always have been...
but when you are up against the ropes and making hundreds of billions of dollars of losses the last thing you need is a carbon tax which DID PUSH UP ENERGY PRICES which hammered Manufacturing industries high in energy use...
but you have to ask as well... were they ever going to stay in Australia long term?
over the past 10 years we've given Holden 19 Billion dollars in handouts...
we'll they can get stuffed!!
also picture this...
back in around 1960 holden produced around 200,000 cars right?
they employed over 23,000 people...
today, they are back down to making approx. 200,000 cars...
they only employ 2900...
Automation friends
we live in modern times and have to get with it, or be left for dead...