Mathew wrote on Dec 19
th, 2013 at 8:30pm:
Anti-white leftists have no problem acknowledging ethnicity among non-white "minority" groups and protecting them with ethnic rights and representation, and avoiding ethnic cleansing and genocide of nations, but when it comes to the ethnic cleansing of western, white cultural/racial groups via mass immigration and forced assimilation policies, these basic human rights are ignored, and instead they argue that there is "no such thing" as anglo-celtic Australian majority, who shaped this post colonial nation. Why are they not entitled to simply preserve their nation, heritage and ethnicity?
It's interesting how often racists resort to the creation of strawman arguments to justify their racism. No one here has argued that, "there is "no such thing" as anglo-celtic Australian majority, who shaped this post colonial nation." This is purely a figment of your justification.
Nor has there been any forced policies of assimilation (except by that "anglo-celtic Australian majority" who tried it before the creation of Multiculturalism).
The reality is and here we get down to brass tacks, you resent the idea that some who doesn't look the same as you is now your equal. You feel that the colour of someone's skin or the shape of their eyes or any of the other minor, physical differences between human beings determines the relative value of people and groups.
Quote:To deny race exists is ridiculous, and stunts any kind of sensible discussion.
Nope, it puts it on a rational, scientific basis rather than one of prejudice and intolerance.