Quote:Studies contradict view that race doesn’t exist
Racial differences among people are real, new studies suggest, contradicting claims by some of the world’s leading scientists and scientific institutions that race doesn’t exist.
Quote:These experts had said race is merely a “social construct,” or a creation of society’s collective imagination. But the new studies, some of which come from Stanford University in Stanford, Calif., suggest that the way people classify themselves by race reflects real and clear genetic differences among them.
This indicates there is some truth behind the racial distinctions that seem obvious to most ordinary people, the researchers said.
Quote:But they added that it’s important to define race correctly, since dangerous misconceptions, such as the notion that some races are superior to others, persist and can serve to excuse racism.
Quote:Moreover, previous studies have shown that racial differences between population groups are small, much smaller than variations within the groups themselves. The newer studies didn’t specifically dispute this observation, but simply found that the between-group differences are also clear.
Quote:What is true, researchers said in light of the new studies, is that people of different races have different ancestries. This means different genes, since genes are inherited from ancestors.
Quote:“The public in general is much more honest” about race than many academics are, “because the general public knows it signifies something rather than nothing,” said Jon Entine, a journalist and author of a critically well-received book, “Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It.”
Quote:The latest research to challenge the race-as-social-construct theory is a study of 3,636 people from across America and Taiwan, led by Neil Risch, then of the Stanford University School of Medicine and now at the University of California at San Francisco.
It found that people’s self-identified race is a nearly perfect indicator of their genetic background, contradicting the race-as-social-construct view, Risch said.
Quote:The study’s authors said it was the largest study of its kind.
The LW prog cries of "racism" is global... these PC luvvies don't know the difference between racial and racist they undermine correct meanings and vilify others who dissent their pov.
Some academics and scientists as is evident in the climate debate have been just as dishonest in the race debate. They deny what they see they deny it because their doctrine says recognising it makes one a a racist. They lie and cheat at every turn vilify and ridicule, just because they cannot tolerate dissent and cannot stand to be incorrect.