ian wrote on Dec 14
th, 2013 at 10:39pm:
Any anthropologist will tell you that there is greater genetic diversity within racial groups than there is between them. So your argument is moot.
"moot"? I think that statement you just made was pretty moot as this article is discussing the opposition to Australia being irreversibly, demographically altered in just decades, which is not strictly a racial thing, but obviously a cultural issue.
But I wonder how it would go down if you told African Americans or Aborigines not to bother preserving or even ACKNOWLEDGING their culture and heritage because there's "no such thing as race", or to tell Israeli Jews (or even Palestinians) that Race is just a social construct , because the obvious physical differences due to geographic adaptation for over 40,000 years on different continents is just a trivial silly thing that should be discarded in preference for a modern controversial government enforced assimilation experiment called the "melting pot", where everyone can instead look the same. yay! Who would not greet this with open arms for their entire nations? Only an evil racist monster who wants to murder another 6 million Jews and is holding back the natural progression and evolution of mankind.
This is what the average leftist believes. Its mind blowing really
If you want to claim that race doesn't exist even though this is a cultural issue (Do you believe in culture? its a social construct but very real) then why is it nobody is denying that blacks have superior lower body strength and EXCEL in all running competitions, basketball etc, or that east Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have excellent IQs? Of COURSE leftists dont vehemently deny this, because its the warm fuzzy feeling received from the indoctrination. But when it comes to the most basic human rights, and fundamental self-determination of a very distinguishable Australian Anglo-celtic ethnic group, who have established a culture and heritage over 200 years, known today as Australia, then liberals revert to "race doesnt exist" or "the very proud natives lived here before you so paybacks a bitch!".
Quite funny how people bicker on these sites like Children. I have to admit though, these leftists take this very cosy reality-denying moral highground and just accuse people of "racism" using political correctness to stunt a debate which is located in the section "Multiculturalism and Race". Why dont you assume for a moment that we're not all children, and nobodies going "um mum mum im telling the teacher on you!" and actually address the points? Seriously, I dont CARE if im labeled a racist. Do Leftists really believe that single word is capable of just shutting up real opposition to an actual controversial nation-altering experiment? oh wait, it actually does. Very sad indeed