Yadda wrote on Mar 9
th, 2014 at 1:22am:
Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are respected by men ?
Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are defended by men ?
No. "My" argument is simply that in proportion to the total world population we are killing fewer people through warfare.
NorthofNorth probably has posted a good reason for this.
If you look back 2000 years ago to the time of the Romans, the two Punic wars alone, obliterated 1.3 million people. People were expected to be part of the Roman army.
Then in China about the same time, the population of China dropped from 68 million to 15.1 million in less than 30 years.
War is no longer the trade of the vast majority of people.
The vast majority of people in the world can ply an existence without being conscripted into the army and hacked to pieces on the battle field.
We are living in more peaceful times. It's borne out by facts and figures.
When we get back to truth and justice, the vast majority of people today probably do espouse those values, but that's not the basis of the argument.
But are we happier? Again, probably.
Quote:[clop clop clop]
Who's that, then?
CART MASTER: I dunno. Must be a king.
CART MASTER: He hasn't got sh1t all over him.