Author Glenn G. Dudley, MD
By Glenn Dudley on October 28, 2013 in God and Science, Proof for the Existence of God
E=mc2, rearranged as m=E/c2, expresses how physical matter cannot be separated from light – which is what a careful analysis of the brain nicely confirms. However, to see the connection we need to grasp how consciousness and a finite image are a mystery apart from a contrasting infinity and a transcendent, observing self who oversees the relationship between the two. Consider for a moment that these two concepts – the finite and the infinite – require an encompassing rationale. Either concept depends on the other and the combination of the two requires a context which exceeds either alone.
Next, consider that one’s awareness field or “bubble” is meaningless apart from some illuminating source or light. Even a totally blind person whose visual input is essentially zero experiences his or her self-illumination – that which we more conventionally call “consciousness” which might, in turn, be called the “light of self.” Although this light is not identical to the light induced by the retinal bombardment of photons, there is reason to believe that in a God-centered universe one’s bubble of awareness is somehow, if unfathomably, the inner aspect of photonic light. It follows that from a human perspective, God is light. And that, as we know, is exactly what the Bible teaches.
Can it be coincidental that both photons and consciousness have an oscillatory nature? Or that light as a particle sometime appears as a wave – the converse of how an approaching wave appears particulate? Consciousness, being finite, is similarly particle-like, although its edges are poorly demarcated – much as subatomic electric fields do not have discrete edges and the particles which create them must, until observed, be envisioned as probability waves. An image is also particle-like with a definitive shape which tends to regressively dissipate, thereby releasing the energy which drives the movement which, in turn, restores or sustains the particle-like image together with one’s overall awareness bubble. Indeed, an image and this bubble cannot be dissected apart such that the self, seemingly surrounding an image, is perhaps more accurately conceptualized as tightly bound or even intrinsic to the expectable specificity of the image.
These insights suggest that what we call consciousness may, when all is said and done, be God “in whom we live and move and have our being.” And while God is light we cannot rule out that what physicists refer to as “dark matter” may also or further describe His nature. For “dark” really only means that we don’t see it – though we know “it” must be there because of its accelerating effects on the expansion of the universe. And hopefully by the time you finish reading this post you will glimpse why, apart from God as the ultimate observer, E=mc2 is not be an accurate expression of physical reality.
To sum, this may be the only logical perspective by which consciousness, matter, energy, and light can be unified with precision. Insofar as the universe is a complex energy system poised between opposing tendencies toward and away from weightless infinity (the same opposition that defines an image), it too must have a brain-like mechanism for sustaining itself. It is likely that this mechanism is quantified by the mathematical equation E=mc2.