The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2014 at 8:45pm:
Ok I will list them
- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.
No physical evidence you mean? If so, that's the materialist paradigm I was speaking about.
Quote:But there is also plenty of evidence against religion.
- There is no consistency between the different religions. They all have have different beliefs, different Gods and the great majority of people inherit the same religion as their family/peers.
This is evidence that Religion is purely a cultural phenomenon
Maybe there are several gods?
Quote:- There is no consistency with in the same religion. In Christianity there are Cathlics, Protestants and Orthodox and all these are split into their separate groups. Some Christians believe in Hell, some don't. Some believe the Bible is literal fact, some don't.
They can't all be right, which makes it quite likely that they all are wrong.
Okay, but this doesn't necessarily mean there is no god. It's merely a disagreement on their conceptions of god.
Quote:- Why is there no evidence of religion in animals? Most of them have mating rituals, nesting rituals, why are there no religious rituals?
Not sure. Maybe you'll have to ask god.
Quote:- Why do bad things happen to innocent people? As an example, over 200,000 people were killed in the 2004 Tsunami which is basically an act of God. They were of all religious faiths and many were innocent Children.
Maybe he's not a moral god. The pagan gods and the pre-Christian Jewish god had little concern for human life.
Quote:- Why do people use their faith to justify doing horrendous things? Such as muslim terrorism or the Spanish inquisition or the ethnic cleansing in Serbia.
I put this down to biology. Human beings will fight regardless. They will always make excuses to fight over things. It's our fate.
Quote:And then there is the reason that religion started in the first place
- primitive man lived in a strange and frightening world. To try and understand it he created religion to explain how the world was created and how it operated. As time has gone on and we have become more technologically and scientifically skilled. All the superstitions have been replaced by our understanding of how things work.
Natural mechanisms explain how the universe work and there is evidence of this everywhere. Every time a doctor operates on a patient, every time a solar eclipse happens precisely where and when it was predicted, every time you use your car or your computer it is evidence that these scientific principles work.
Okay. I agree that religions try to simply a strange world and make it knowable and meaningful for us. But I am still not convinced god has been completely debunked through modern science. Science only explains and harnesses causes and effects. Nature and its forces already exist before man starts explaining them and using them for his own ends.
With all that said, I am not religious, I am an agnostic. The only religion I could take seriously would be pantheism.