Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Thats just humour quantum. There is no atheist religion. If 1 or 2 want to take the mickey thats their thing. If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing. Atheism is just a lack of belief in any of your fairy tale invisible ppl.
People spend money to make slogans on shirts and pay to put it on buses. Some take the time to write books. Others go the effort and expense to make monuments to atheism. Still others organize international conferences about it. All along millions partakes and support these endeavours...
...But spoty says it all just humour and no one actually agrees with it.
Even better yet, the cat says;
"If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing"so now even the hardcore atheist (which he is clearly one of) are actually religious nuts in disguise. An atheist who promotes his atheism isn't actually an atheist. Wonderful stuff!
I wonder if you would extend that same logic to any religious institute? I reckon when some Christian goes and makes a dick of himself or does something horrid, you will be one of the first to say
"look what this Christian did". I doubt we would ever hear you say "
he says he is a Christian, but he obvious isn't and does not represent Christians as a whole". Nup, can't picture that for a second.