Grey wrote on Jan 9
th, 2014 at 8:35am:
Australian cities have states of being, they don't have culture. They don't have culture because they don't respect institutions. Let me explain.
Fashions come out of London, Paris and Rome, but ironically Londoner's, Parisian's and Romans are not fashionable. A market porter, banker, actor or crim from one of those cities obeys an unwritten style guide that endures. A few years ago in Perth's Royal Perth Hospital a couple of guys won a nobel prize. At the same time there was a push to close the hospital. That's a situation unthinkable in London. If it's not broken don't fix it! Institutions may get old, need revamping upgrading, but the foundation, the culture remains and strengthens. When a paediatrician walks into their new job at Great Ormond street they KNOW they're the best, because nothing less is acceptable. It doesn't matter where they've trained or lived, they walk through those doors two feet taller than they walked the day before and they're ready to be the culture. Same at New Scotland Yard, London airport, Saville row, The city even a London Taxi.
The knowledge of place resides in its institutions. In Europe the institutions are respected, in Australia they're not.
I don't believe y'all are right there friend. Institutions are respected here, but practical natures are respected even more. It don't matter how great them fancy institutions are if the patient aint being treated right. So them folks getting treatment count more than the institution, and the doctor providing the treatment answers to the patient, not some fancy idea of institution which don't mean nothing.
Nice apostrophes there friend. Are you a greengrocer?
And London airport? Do y'all mean Mumbai On The Thames, and them other things y'all mention from London Town - well, London aint nothing but an impoverished slum, everyone knows that friend except them young ones who read Harry Potter and such.