Ye-er-ush.. they are descended from British free immigrants ove there and they make a thing of it... ME? I'm descended from German Jews and Irish and Scottish free settlers who now run and own some pretty big companies here.... aye - nae a Sassenach among 'em - bar one from Portsmouth (sobs)...
Thing is those Poms of 'good breeding' can be pretty odd - ever seen the film/play 'The Ruling Class'?
Well - they just feel it necessary to kill one another off all the time.... old schisms between the Saxons, the English (real), the Original Brits, Roman descendants, the Normans and so forth....
Sometimes they feel it is an entitlement to kill off a few innocents to make a statement...
Aarrrgh - once in a while you need to have a good war between the septs..... to cleanse the blood..... hang a few.. shoot one in ten politicians to encourage the rest.....
(Chinese Comfort Woman has gone back to Malbun - she loves the clean sky, water and the lovely beaches here.... far better than the cloudy skies and concrete and cement of Modern China The Brave....