Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
But you may be forgetting that it included details right down to the parting of His garments and casting lots.
Which could have easily been added into the account after the fact. There is no evidence that the gospels would have been written as a news flash style "breaking news", and is far more likely that they appeared decades after. It is entirely possible that they could have seen psalm 22 and worked it into their story.
We will never know for sure of course, but my scenario is just as plausible as yours. Almost all we know about Jesus comes from the Gospels, which are hardly an unbiased source.
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
You can make an empty guess, or see what the historical record reveals. Try -
Crucifixion =/= what is described in Psalm 22. Pierced hands and feet is what it actually says. Do you seriously think it never occurred to ANYONE in the time after nails were invented that nobody thought to hurt people with them?
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
Even though the historical record confirms that Jesus was indeed crucified
Is this historical record from the gospels or somewhere else?
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
Do you see how much effort you are having to put into DISbelief?
Hardly effort Pete.....
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
That they were somehow all involved in a massive plot to all tell the same lie?
Well if you starting a fresh belief system then that would make sense wouldn't it? Coupled with the fact that analysis of the Gospels seems to Indicate that Mark was written first, then the rest draw from another unknown source, it really would only be two stories, not four.
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
Remember you are talking about men that were willing to die, and indeed were martyred, for the testimony of Jesus Christ
I wonder if you feel the same about early Islamic martyrs..... I doubt it
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
Since about 25% of the Bible is prophecy
I'll take your word for it, but that seems like a lot more than actually is there, assuming you are referring to predictive prophecy.
Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 10
th, 2014 at 4:39am:
How do you explain the old testament prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, for example?
And funnily enough this is only mentioned in two of the four gospels. And not mentioned in the one that is generally agreed to have been written first. You seem to like archaeological evidence and the like, so is there any actual evidence to suggest he was born here?
How about some actual evidence from around the time of his birth? The census where they were supposed to return to Bethlehem occurred in the year 6-7 AD as recorded by the historian Josephus
Meanwhile, in making it up land as written according to Matthew, Jesus' birth was during the raign of Herod the Great, who had lost his life in 4AD.
So the Gospels don't even agree with each other, make a clear contradiction in terms of accuracy. He could not have been born arond the time of the census and in the reign of Herod the (actually pretty not) Great