Stratos wrote on Jan 7
th, 2014 at 3:43pm:
Cods, I have no love for the labor party whatsoever, I just want to know what exactly she is being accused of and what it is being substantiated with.
I dont know where you have been this past couple of years then...
its a ROYAL COMMISSION into the AWU as was run in the early 90s..the suggestion is $400.000 went somewhere that was meant for the AWU>>. but it didnt go there it went somewhere else...a slush fund was mentioned.. and Julia Gillard who as a Lawyer at that time and lover of Bruce Wilson...worked to help Wilson set up said slush fund.........they are now looking for evidence that will tell them where the MONEY that disappeared during those years went...
gillard claimed she was young and naive in those days... she was 32...but thats not a crime...but did she help set up a fund so money could be syphoned into it instead of the AWU Bank account..????..
whilst PM she did all in here power not to answer any questions on the subject in parliament.. she was also responsible for two journos getting the sack because they wouldnt back off asking about the AWU..... she will I am sure be asked questions under oath..we shall see of see also an awful lot of money from the Kalgorlie Miners Widows fund also went missing..and Gillard was the one who talked them into handing the fund over to Wilson....she wasnt not has she been accused of taking the money....Wilson is the one....and maybe Blewitt..who at least has admitted being a bad boy where as everyone else.. is as innocent as the driven snow....

I am sure it will all be headlines again stratos so be patient.