aquascoot wrote on Jan 15
th, 2014 at 7:53am:
____ wrote on Jan 15
th, 2014 at 7:07am:
Removing a religious prayer from a secular workplace is not an attack on christianity.
If it is then why are you not demanding every workplace to pray at the beginning of all workday shifts.
What it shows is the greens obsession with NON ISSUES.
suburban couples (yes thats right greens...the families that make up australia) are concerned about jobs, the economy, law and order, roads, health and education.
the greens are the party of NON ISSUES
the lords prayer
gay marriage
assylum seeker air conditioning
light rail for inner city numpties
The UN
hand wringing about whether john howard was a war criminal.
apologising to aborigines every 30 minutes
the list goes on...... you need to come to the footy, the local RSL and a few barbeques and try to understand what matters to REAL australians
and it AINT the lords prayer
the list is endless.. but it there to take our eye s off their complete no idea policies...they dont want anyone to take a real good look at those..
lets not forget they THINK they know whats good for EVERYONE.
they believe they ALONE can CURE CLIMATE CHANGE
they think anyone AGAINST ABORTION is a SICKO.
aint afraid of watching PEOPLE DROWN.
want 16 year olds to HAVE THE VOTE.
I am surprised he hasnt called for everyone to pray to MECCA 5 times a day.. we know how the crawl to anyone that can vote dont we????
what amazes me. is how many greenies are there everyday when Parliament opens..

personally I dont think it would do any harm to put it back in our schools.. we can see the deterioration in behaviour since the greens came on the scene...encouraging young people to smash and bash their way through life...and chain themselves to coal loaders get their own way...
a terrific way to teach people a responsible way to get through life..