Soren wrote on Jan 24
th, 2014 at 5:40pm:
sherri wrote on Jan 24
th, 2014 at 7:20am:
I think that what is interesting here is how some people define racism.
Racism is never (in my opinion) the ability to acknowledge fact. It is when someone carries it further and uses only race to judge another person or group.
Some people seem to think that to be non racist, you have to claim everyone is the same, there are no differences.
I think it is perfectly clear that over the last few hundred years, European civilization came into its own. It flourished, there was a period of exploration, discovery, scientific advancement. It has been the white man's turn to be top dog for quite a while now.
That doesn't mean whites are morally superior. A civilized country that could allow or create the holocaust should remind us of that. Plus, most citizens are just along for the ride. They have been lucky to be born in a country where the living standards have been improving in leaps and bounds.
Because we live such short lives, we think things will stay the same virtually forever. But European civilization wasn't always top of the heap, and we live in a world that is changing. South Korea, China & India are forging ahead. Because of sheer population numbers, India's number of gifted students now pretty much equals the entire population of the USA.
It's not just about race, it is about opportunity. The African nations and some of the middle east-I can't see them having their time in the sun anytime in the next 100 or 200 years.
Who gave the Europeans the opportunity? And why don't thy give the same opportunity to Africans and Muslim middle easterners?
Because it is not about someone outside a society giving the opportunities. They are created by the societies.
This is why some cultures are objectively better than others. It's not about chance or luck ('opportunity')
It is very much luck where you happen to have been born, or what era, for that matter.
But you ask about creating opportunities. You are right-no one outside your society is going to walk in and hand over any opportunities, you have to create the conditions within your own society. European society was aggressive, very much so in the past, but the social structure allowed for exploration, science.
The culture was right. But nothing stays the same forever and I think the culture within some other nations, Korea, China, India, Japan for eg, could see them forge ahead in the next 100 years.
We can't rest on our laurels, that's what I'm saying.