Quote:The placards I posted are all about anti-coup, anti-violence and "free Egypt".
Surely there was one that specifically mentioned democracy?
Quote:Only in FD land is that not a clear case of support for democracy and concern for the process.
It could be either. It certainly is not clear that their concern is for democracy rather than support for Morsi's agenda.
Quote:Support for Morsi and his policies are irrelevant here.
That is your argument? The Muslims were not motivated by their support for Morsi because it is irrelevant?
Quote:What seems to fly right over your head is the fact that having a fair and democratic system just happens to benefit Morsi supporters
You would think that, unless you actually read my posts. I made this point in every single one recently.
Quote:thus support for Morsi and support for freedom and democracy in Egypt are one in the same
Are you suggesting it is impossible to oppose democracy while supporting Morsi's agenda?
Quote:Clearly you want to pin a "pro-Morsi" tag on these protestors in the fallacious belief that pro-Morsi (read: pro Islam) necessarily equals pro-tyranny/anti-democracy.
For the moment I will settle for asking you to explain how the protestors made it clear that their concern was for democracy rather than Morsi's agenda. Saying they are the same thing kind of misses the point, so I find it rather ironic that you introduce this claim by insisting I missed a point that I have been making in every post.
I did not have an anti-democratic agenda in mind. It is probably more about being pro female genital mutilation etc.
Quote:But its not even clear that these people are pro-Morsi - the only thing that is patently and undeniably obvious is that these people are protesting against undemocratic coups, violence and attacks on Egyptian freedom and democracy.
So it is not in fact clear that they support, and are motivated by their interest in democracy? Funny how you can be so certain they support democracy, but so indecisive about whether they support Morsi and his agenda.
Quote:It takes a supreme effort in obfuscation and mental gymnastics to reject what is plain in front of your face - but you are making a sterling effort I must say.
I am asking you to explain your own claim. If they did somehow make it clear that their primary interest is democracy, I will accept that.
Quote:What are you talking about?? Clearly the pro-Morsi crowd had concern for the outcome since they were about the only people who came out to vote in force.
I was talking about you and the Australian Muslim protestors, who you claim were motivated by an interest in democracy.
Quote:Your criticism belongs to the people who opposed Morsi but couldn't be bothered voting, and then went and supported the undemocratic coup. Presumably the people *YOU* are standing up for.
I am asking you to justify the claim you made about Australian Muslims promoting democracy.
Quote:Obviously the majority didn't vote for Morsi, but who is judging them, and/or why would it be reasonable to judge them in this context?
Because Morsi has some clearly objectionable policies. It is naive, even irrational for you to assume the Australian protestors come out in support of democracy in the one case where doing so also happens to be supporting dragging people back into the 7th century. In order to put a positive spin on this for Muslims, you must insist that the issue is entirely about democracy, ignore the actual policies involved, then project this stance onto the Muslim protestors.