Kevin Andrews is to target dole and disability payments. With claims that the system risks becoming unsustainable. He has decided to limit the scope of the review to these two areas, claiming it to be a limited review. He has decided the Age Pension will not be reviewed nor will Family Tax Benefits part A and B nor will the PPL scheme that they are proposing to introduce. Too many people think of welfare as being dole and pensions but it also includes anyone getting family payments which are working families earning wages and getting benefits as well.
It is obvious as to why the age pension and family payment will not be reviewed. Many of the Grey Nomads are LNP voters and should the age pension or family payments be reviewed they would be out on their ear at the next election.
So they propose to attack the most vulnerable in our society the Disabled and the Unemployed.
So lets look at the figures more in depth over the last 10 years and see what has really happened since 2004.
1. Our population has increased by 16% or 3,274,891
2. Our Aged Pension numbers increased by 25% well above our population % increase and represent 48% of welfare recipients.
3. Our Disability Pensioners increased by 18% just above the population increase.
4. Our Carers increased by 164%, however many disabled are now cared for at home instead of in institutions or nursing homes actually saving the Government substantial costs.
5. Our Newstart Claimants increased by 36% or 177,580 over 10 years against a population increase of 3,274,891 representing 5% of our population increase and with our unemployment rate being over 5% it is actually better than what would be expected.
6. All other sectors in welfare claims actually declined, some by up to -89%.
7. In 2004 Age Pensioners represented 42% of welfare recipients. Now they represent 48%
8. If you remove Age Pensioners from the equation welfare recipient numbers grew by a measly 6,375 in 10 years or 0.24% yet our population increased in the same period by 16% or 3,274,891.
So much for Unsustainable.
So much for a massive rorting of the system.
This is nothing short of ideological hatred of those least able to defend themselves. Least able to climb the income ladder. Least able to vote (remember many disabled do not have the capacity to vote). So much for the claim that the ALP created a welfare state. The figures show the position to be the exact opposite. They also refute the absolute rubbish being spouted by the government, in an effort to demonise certain welfare recipients, to the rest of the community. Especially since the ALP was in Government for 6 of the 10 years analysed.
I hope people open their eyes and actually analyse figures being presented by the Government, because if you look deeper you see the real truth.
What a disgraceful attack on the least fortunate in our community for absolutely no reason other than to denigrate and humiliate the less fortunate.
I trust the review will come up with the same honest conclusion as I have, based on facts and figures and not ideology. Maybe I should I send the honourable MP Mr Andrews a bill for my review of the welfare system. I can guarantee it will be better value for money than the one he proposes and shows his review to be a total waste of taxpayers money.