sir prince duke alevine
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 10:46am: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 10:38am: Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 10:33am: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 8:46am: Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 8:40am: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 8:31am: Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Feb 6 th, 2014 at 8:20am: The audience in QandA veers toward the "progressives". The audience's reaction to the panellists and the topics involved reflect that. It's odd that 40% supposed Liberal supports would boo their own or remain entirely silent throughout the show. Quantum is right that the topics the Greens are obsessed with get the most cheers, yet are only ever about 10% of the audience. Something doesn't add up. Once again, your assumption is that a typical liberal supporter will: 1. Not agree with environmental policy, gay rights,assisting asylum seeker etc. That is not a left ideal. It's a centrist ideal. And the majority of Austrlaia, the vast majority, is centrist. So your assumption is wrong, as typically the issues discussed on the show have majority support of the public, and it's a shame that we have an extremist PM with an extremist ideology, that simply get supported by the extremists of the liberal party, who happen to make up the majority of liberal party posters on this forum. Anyone who doesn't believe in open borders for asylum seekers and supports gay marriage is heckled on the show. That's not centrist. Gay marriage concerns hardly anyone; for most people it just doesn't register as an important issue, yet it gets talked about time and time again. And that's where you're wrong once again. Gay marriage might not be a primary concern for most people, but it is an important issue that has been debated for now over a decade, and guess what, the majority of people support it. Hence why those who are against it get heckled, because it is so extremist to be against it, as is typically shown by the "opinion" on why that person is against it, which always ends on some extreme rant. It's only spoken about because shows like QandA won't shut up about it. I've never seen a discussion on QandA about the problems of multiculturalism, ethnic crime, Aboriginal crime or dysfunction, divorce rates, drunken and undisciplined youths. If shows like QandA kept rabbiting on about these issues then they would most likely be mainstream topics as well. But those who run QandA are a bit smarter than this. They know what they're doing; they're selective topic choosing is purposeful. It's the same way the Bolt Report operates: selectively choose a few subjects and present them from particular perspective. ethnic crime? Is that similar to normal crime? Multiculturalism has been an issue that has been talked about. Aboriginal issues have been talked about. Maybe not "dysfunction" because it is once again only extreme loonies who would classify the problems within an aboriginal community as "aboriginal dysfunction" In fact, probably divorce rates are the only issue not discussed and even then perhaps they were when the lovely imbecile George Pell was on. And typically Q&A discusses things that have happened the past week in the media. And it just so happens that gay marriage is a big issue in the media, and "divorce rates" aren't. but you know, keep trying to draw conclusions from bullsh1t. See, alternative issues are brought up and you ridicule them or dismiss them. You're not interesting in a variety of topics viewed from various angles; you're after the same trendy issues to be spoken of again and again only from the angle you agree with. This is why I will never tire of pointing out the hypocrisies and contradictions in "progressives". They project themselves as beacons of freedom and diversity, but are so far removed from these things that I don't even know how they can live a peaceful existence with such contradictions running around in their head. Perhaps this is some kind of special psychological trick only "progressives" know. Hmmm ... more research for me. I'm not ridiculing all the issues. I'm ridiculing how you call the issues. The only issue I will ridicule is ethnic crime, because I'm curious to understand how it's different to normal crime?