Aussie wrote on Feb 10
th, 2014 at 7:54pm:
True Blue... wrote on Feb 10
th, 2014 at 7:41pm:
On a darker note...
Didn't the media go into a frenzy...
They were like sharks ripping apart a baby seal...
You couldn't literally see them shaking on adrenalin when she came out the door...
I was hoping one of those guards would pull a gun and start shooting it to see them all scurry off like the rats that they are...
Then they chased them down the roads on motorcycles taking pictures of black windows... it was pathetic...
Yeas, indeed. They create the drama....and then report the 'media' drama as though they were having an 'out of body' experience. The media report on the 'media circus' as though it happened without their direct involvement!
Makes me puke.
...and what it's really about, the media and their bs, trying to get a story and a face to the story, but hey, am I ever so glad she had her head covered, like some little lamb to the slaughter, it's so stupid, she is a human being that has spent 9 years in a cramped cell that the health authorities would not deem fit for animals. SC is not a animal to be hunted down, the press and all the papparazzi are an embarassement with this.
How is she going to fare being in her sister's place, with cameras in every corner waiting for her to appear, or even do some simple shopping? She is never going to be really free, is she? No one in their right mind wants that much negative attention.
So I stress the point, don't criticize SC for all the BS that has been floating around, oh and another BS is that Mercedes never had a surf shop, she blatanly said that in an interview years ago, does anyone remember that?