True Blue... wrote on Feb 6
th, 2014 at 6:50am:
hopefully the media don't stuff this up

she's done her time... let her go
But what riles me, is the stuff up with the hash in her boogie board...they did not test it as to where it came from. And then, they burnt the evidence.
Too many stuff ups all along the way.
I don't believe she put it there, never have.
She has taking the rap for someone else.
Oh, and, a friend and her 15 yr old son, coming home from Queensland to Victoria, his boogie board went missing (some time in the same year as Corby's trial).....well, they eventually located it....coming back from how is it that it went to Darwin in the first place? Because they are closer to Bali than any other place in Oz?
Makes me wonder, if a peodophile wants access to kids, he would become a priest, or a boy scout, or teacher in a home for boys etc.
If a drug peddlar wants to have access or peddle drugs, wouldn't it be easier, at that time, to then be a baggage handler?
I have read stories of 2 couples, that went to Bali for a holiday together, and one of the gents noticed his suitcase has a missing lock.
He found a bag of hash in his suitcase, he rang the Australian consulate, and they told him, not to report it to the Balinese police etc. Just flush it down the toilet, they told him.
Now, they have a service where you can glad wrap your bag
Obviously there's a reason for that at airports when that service came in?