This debate has wandered off course, and I may have contributed. Let's revisit the words of Abbott which are:
Quote:Can I just scotch this idea that the Coalition’s policy is or ever has been tow-backs. Our policy, which we have repeated till we are blue in the face, is that we reserve the right to turn boats around where it is safe to do so. There is a world of difference between turning boats around in Australian waters and the Australian Navy towing them back to Indonesia.
Now tell me, in the context of those words, what those orange boats are, and why is there a tow line between a warship and one of them.
The answer is. Abbott lied. Our mob become aware of a boat heading our way. We sit back and wait for it to arrive in our waters. We leap in, turn our ears off so we do not hear any claim for asylum...........we take them off Achmed's boat, bung them into one of our orange ones, and tow them out of Australia, through international waters, and back to Indonesian waters. Ya boats have arrived on our mainland as Abbott boasts.
I'd love to have pointed out to me the holes in that scenario.
How about you cods?