Armchair_Politician wrote on Feb 9
th, 2014 at 6:14am:
Promise #25 - Boat tow backs
What the nuts at IA say he said: "Can I just scotch this idea that the Coalition’s policy is or ever has been tow-backs … There is a world of difference between turning boats around in Australian waters and the Australian Navy towing them back to Indonesia."
What he actually said: "Can I just scotch this idea that the Coalition’s policy is or ever has been tow-backs. Our policy, which we have repeated till we are blue in the face, is that we reserve the right to turn boats around where it is safe to do so. There is a world of difference between turning boats around in Australian waters and the Australian Navy towing them back to Indonesia. There is just a world of difference and if I may say so, there has been a tendency of people to put to other people what is not the Coalition’s policy in an attempt to, I think, generate a headline rather than constructively address this issue."
The highlighted bit was missing from IA's selective editing of "broken promise" number 25. He hasn't broken a promise at all. He is turning boats around, as he promised to do before the election and for the entire time he was Opposition Leader. IA's bull$hit meter: extreme!
You're splitting hairs.
Abbott the Mendacious clearly denied tow-backs. Yet we have footage of Navy ships using ropes to tow asylum seekers in boats back to Indonesia. That rope between the ships is not there for decoration.
You are also being hypocritical, getting all hot and bothered about context after you did the same to Gillard over one quotation, over and over, for nearly
three years. If you think you have the right to beat up "carbon tax" out of context, you have no right, no right whatsoever to complain if others point out that Abbott repudiated tow backs.
Can I just scotch this idea that the Coalition’s policy is or ever has been tow-backs." He said it. He said it very clearly.
He lied.
Are we towing them back to Indonesia? No. Are we towing them out of our waters, yes, if they don't go willingly. No broken promises here!
Quote:Promise #19 - No deals with the Greens
Last August Abbott insisted most emphatically that he would never “... do cheap and tawdry deals with the Greens.”
Barely in office, the government swooped on the chance to cut a deal with the Greens to remove the debt ceiling.
After years in opposition condemning Labor’s relatively modest debt, this is as tawdry as it comes.
Actually, there was no deal made with the Greens. A deal means the Greens get something in return and they got nothing. It was a very rare case of the Greens showing some common sense on issues other than the environment. IA's bull$hit meter: very high!
You're just making up crap. Since when do you get to define what a "deal" is? How do you know there's no hidden commitment on other future legislation?
You think the Greens could possibly ever keep quiet about something they got out of Abbott? Of course not. The Greens got nothing except VERY rare praise.
Quote:Promise #18: Sophie Mirabella
When the divisive former Liberal Party member for Indi lost her seat in a surprise rejection by voters, Abbott declared that there would be no government job for Mirabella.
Just kidding!
She is now on the board of the submarine maintenance body.
Actually, way back in 1985 Kockums, Chicago Bridge & Iron, Wormald International and the Australian Industry Development Corporation joined forces and formed the Australian Submarine Corporation. It's not government owned or run. IA's bull$hit meter: extreme!
So how did she get that job, hmm? Sending out her resume and competing with 300 other applications and sitting through four interviews? Not bloody likely. More likely, it was the Liberal party pulling the strings so Liberal party hacks like Mirabella can get comfortable jobs after politics without having to work to get them or keep them.
Even if you were right, which you're not, it is nothing compared to the nepotism/jobs for the boys that exists when Labor is on office. How do you not know Mirabella was not sought out by ASC? She clearly has the credentials for the job.