freediver wrote on Feb 18
th, 2014 at 12:24pm:
freediver wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 7:10pm:
Karnal, do you think that Muhammed marrying a six year old girl has nothing to do with this issue?
It's a genuine question Karnal. Muslims admit that this is a serious problem that needs to be confronted. Yet they shy away from even acknowledging the elephant in the room. This is a real barrier to eradicating Islamic child marriages everywhere, including Australia.
Yes, FD, but you neglected to answer the question of
which Australian Muslims are using the excuse of "Mohammed did it so it's right".
I have no doubt child marriages are a problem in many North African and Central Asian countries - Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. I've also heard of non-consentual marriages and kidnappings being a problem in Islamic societies too.
But I've never once heard of any Muslims in the West justifying this, or making excuses for it. As far as I can tell, most are happy to be far away from such tribalism. I have never heard one Islamic organization, spokesperson or religious leader arguing that child marriages are okay because the Prophet did it.
Actually, I remember Falah on this site justifying Mohammed's actions in a historical context, but I don't remember him saying child marriages are right or proper today.
In a historical context, child marriages were common within ALL traditional societies, as was (to a lesser extent) slavery. In many societies, womena and slaves had equal rights under the law.
Actually, Islamic law, I believe, was one of the first to list rights and entitlements to women - including, if I'm not mistaken, property and inheritance rights.
If you're going to use the "many Muslims believe" argument, please provide a quote. I'm sure you can find a few doozies from Abu and Falah.
I'm sure you've indexed them and have them on file.