wally1 wrote on Feb 19
th, 2014 at 9:58pm:
Mohamed had multiple wives.A Muslim man can't have mutilple wives and limit is 4 .........
What's the limit on concubines Wally?
wally1 wrote on Feb 19
th, 2014 at 9:58pm:
....... and must treat them all fairly.IF he can't treat them equally he can't have 4.
SO there goes your theory on the obligation that Muslims need to follow Mohamed to a tee.
Indeed Wally. Muhammad's, Muhammad-serving alter-ego and fellow terrorist "Allah", not only lavished on Muhammad all the wives and concubines he wanted, but even lavished on him 1/5 of all the property stolen from others, just like a Mafia Don. Since there are only 5/5s it couldn't hardly apply to his followers.
Muhammad even received a special "revelation" from his "Allah" that allowed him to steal his step-son's only wife.
As explained by a Nigerian former Muslim:
http://www.beholdthebeast.com/moral_life_of_prophet_mohammed.htm"With fleets of wives at Muhammad's disposal, coupled with his special
privilege to have as many concubines as he desired, Muhammad's
passion for women seemed to know no bounds. He even took the only
wife of his adopted son, Zaid. Zaid Ibn Haritha was Muhammad's freed
man and adopted son. Muhammad wedded Zaid to a beautiful lady
named Zainab, but with the passage of time, Muhammad's heart began
to long for her. So on his visit to Zaid's abode, the prophet of Islam said:
"Praise belongeth unto Allah who turneth the hearts of men as he
willeth." Zaid got the message and arranged to divorce his wife.
Muhammad knew quite well that nothing short of a new "revelation"
could save his face from this detestable act, so he dissuaded Zaid from
putting his wife away until the transaction could be sanctioned by a
"revelation" from Allah. Read the words of the following sura:
"Behold! thou didst say to one who had received the grace of
God and thy Favor: 'retain thou [in wedlock] thy wife, and fear
God.' But thou didst fear in thy heart that which God was about
to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more
fitting that thou shouldest fear God. Then when Zaid had
dissolved [his marriage] with her, with the necessary [formal-ity], we joined her in marriage to thee: in order that in [thefuture] there may be no difficulty to the believers in [the matterof] marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the
later have dissolved with the necessary [formality] [theirmarriage] with them. And God's command must be fulfilled."
(Sura 33:37)
The reason for these self-serving "revelations" is obvious: Zainab,
daughter of Jahsh, was Muhammad's cousin, and the Arabian custom
(before Islam) forbade marriage with the wives of their adopted sons
even after divorce.1 Can you imagine a religion that claims to promote purity of heart and good moral conduct, permitting its prophet - who
already had eleven wives plus numerous concubines - to take the only
wife of his own adopted son? The pathetic side of this recorded historic
incident is that Allah, supposedly the architect of justice and morality,
actually approved of this despicable act. The doom of all who love
justice, holiness and righteousness is sealed if Allah, who condones this
kind of wickedness, is allowed to prevail."