freediver wrote on Feb 21
st, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Quote:Regardless of what is announced publicly for consumption by human rights organizations, reform is nothing more than a big dumb show aimed at wishful, naive, ignorant, westerners. Marrying down to 6 years old, and consummating the marriage down to 9 years old, will always remain a part of Islam because Muhammad did both.
I have asked Muslims in this thread about this side of the issue. Even Gandalf won't touch it. How can you confront this issue head-on from within Australia's Muslim community while pretending Muhammed did not have sex with children? You will either take yourself out of the debate by offending too many of the Muslims, or you will have to water down your message to the point that it sounds like you are endorsing pedophilia.
Maybe, but how do religious Jews justify the example of their prophets and kings? David was a serial cad and right bastard. Abraham’s slave Hagar supposedly produced one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a polygamist.
It is possible to reflect critically on the historical context of your prophets. Whether you do or not is another matter. Muslims don’t hold Muhammed up as God - the very reason Muhammed’s image is banned is to avoid deification.
Muhammed is presented as a kind of saint in the Koran, but not a perfect one. Islam shows that a flawed human being , like the prophets of Israel, can receive the message of God. Muhammed is not God - Muslims believe he merely points a direction
to God.
If they try to emulate the lifestyle of an allegedly dodgy 8th century merchant, surely the message is getting lost in translation somewhere.
And yes, this is a problem, but it’s a problem fundamentalists everywhere are accountable for.
Look at Christianity. Paul turned a desert mystic into a pagan deity. Christians believe they don’t have to live the example of Jesus to be "saved" - they believe they merely have to believe in him. Loving thy neighbour, turning the other cheek, living life like the birds - for Pauline Christians, none of this really matters. They merely prop up an image of their saviour and expect salvation.
This is a problem with gurus and saints and religious teachers the world over. People deify the.messenger. It’s a huge spiritual problem. It leads people to being stuck in idol worship, dogma and intellectual posturing.
There are traditions within all the main religions that avoid this problem. Islam has Sufism, Christianity has Gnosticism, Hinduism has Yoga. These are traditions of spiritual practice, not dogma or idolatry.
If you turn to worshiping Abraham or Joseph Smith or Jesus or Muhammed, you’ve missed their point.