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underage marriage in Sydney (Read 116575 times)
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #480 - Mar 2nd, 2014 at 9:25pm
How does it go against every other society of the time, FD? Never seen a John Wayne movie about Injuns?

John Wayne is not God.

If you want to chase modern Muslims for the actions of their 1400 year old forefathers

Not their ancestors Gandalf. Islam is not inherited.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #481 - Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm
I covered that (ie no one "trains" anyone - like its something to aspire to :p)- you refuse to listen.

I get that you reject the bits you don't like and look very hard for little bits to turn into nice sounding principles. What I don't get is the complete lack of method in what you do. It's like you invented a completely different religion in your head then went looking for little clues for how Islam can back it up. If you discard so much, what are you left with?

Lets stay focused on what this is really about: this is about freediver trying desperately to get around the fact that the vast majority of muslims are abhorred by child marriage

Do you abhor Muhammed marrying a 6 year old girl?

and want it stamped out

Most of the ones I have spoken to are in favour of arranged marriages, and insist that if there is grass on the wicket, it's time to play cricket. You are the exception, and you are hardly doing a good job convincing me that your interpretation of Islam is more valid, or has any validity at all. You seem to waver in your opposition to child marriage and arranged marriages, and you cannot produce anything resembling an explanation why why it was noble when Muhammed did it and abhorent when the Muslim guy from Newcastle did it, other than platitudes about how it "is different".

This is about FD putting words in muslims mouths, when he can't find the "right" quotes from muslims to defame them.

Muhammed married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was 9. I don't need to put words into anyone's mouth. Your Grand mufti did not say what Muslims are claiming he said. Mr Trad did, and I conceded this, but none of you can explain why he said it. Surely Islam teaches more than vague waffly nonsense like "be nice", and you can point to more than that to explain how this goes against everything Islam teaches.

This is about FD tying himself completely in knots by pointing the accusing finger at muslims when they don't specifically invoke islam when condemning child marriage - and doing exactly the same thing when muslims do.

I didn't accuse him of anything. I merely pointed out, extremely patiently, that he did not say the words that Muslims are putting into his mouth. I further suggested you find examples where he did clearly state it - hence your quote of Mr Trad (if he is the grand mufti, please excuse my ignorance and we will never mention this again).

Is child marriage a problem in the muslim community? You betcha - just as it is a problem in sections of the hindu community, and just like child abuse is shockingly ingrained in certain catholic institutions. All these problems need a constructive solution, which involves working with the members of those communities who are just as shocked and outraged by the problem as those who are outside the communities.

As shocked as TC? I am not exactly outraged myself. I am certainly not shocked. Sure, I hope the guy ends up in jail, but it is hardly the worst thing Muslims have done. He didn't force himself upon her violently. He did not slaughter her entire extended family, steal all their land, livestock and possessions, leaving her homeless and destitute with no options, then 'generously' offer to let her into his harem. It probably would not have even made it onto this board if you had not put it here and insisted that Muslims accept responsibility and tackle it head on. I merely picked up on it because what this guy did is so similar to what Muhammed himself did. I get that most Muslims don't like it. That's why they invented the line about Muhammed waiting until after Aisha reached puberty and Islam being opposed to pedophilia in general. But they are still stuck with Muhammed having sex with a nine year old girl. What I have seen so far looks more like hand wringing, navel gazing and hoping it will just go away, not tackling the issue head on. With the exception of Mr Trad of course. I am intrigued by his claims. Is he a new age Muslim?

Demonising these people not only doesn't help, it obstructs solutions and creates further divisions in society.

They are pedophiles. They should be demonised. They should go to jail.

"Addressing" this problem by pointing fingers at good-willed people and saying "ha - you can't deny that this doesn't go against islamic teaching" can only do two things 1. satiate your deep seated prejudice and 2. slap the muslim community in the face and say 'I am determined to ensure this problem remains unsolved'.

I am not the one trying to address it. You are. I am asking you how. BTW, you left out the third option 3) Muslims concede that Muhammed was a pedophile and confront the issue, head on. Throw in a bit of taking responsibility, for good measure.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #482 - Mar 2nd, 2014 at 11:18pm
freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm:
Most of the ones I have spoken to

Oh you talk to muslims? I doubt that. Do you attempt to entrap them when you interrogate talk to them? Do you attempt to bamboozle them with endless obfuscation - and then declare they said something completely different to what they actually said?

freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm:
I didn't accuse him of anything. I merely pointed out, extremely patiently, that he did not say the words that Muslims are putting into his mouth.

You did accuse him. You accused him of "point[ing] out" - specifically - that his condemnation "had nothing to do with islam". He said nothing of the kind.

freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm:
I merely pointed out, extremely patiently, that
he did not say the words that Muslims are putting into his mouth.

repeated to emphasise irony.

freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm:
I am not the one trying to address it. You are. I am asking you how.

You are not asking how - not in a constructive way anyway. You just want to ask accusative, rhetorical questions which you think you already know the answers to -  in order to use this as an opportunity to score points against muslims and satiate your pathological prejudice - as usual.

You should be trying to address it though. We all should - as citizens of a multicultural nation, we all have obligations to find solutions. Saying muslims should stop being muslim is not a solution - it is a barrier to a solution, and in that sense you are aggravating the problem. Besides anything else, it is profoundly immoral to demonise the vast majority of muslims who abhore this practice and want it stamped out. Especially when its done by just blatantly making up stuff about what they say.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Australian Politics

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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #483 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 9:12am
freediver wrote on Mar 2nd, 2014 at 10:19pm:
I get that most Muslims don't like it. That's why they invented the line about Muhammed waiting until after Aisha reached puberty and Islam being opposed to pedophilia in general. But they are still stuck with Muhammed having sex with a nine year old girl. What I have seen so far looks more like hand wringing, navel gazing and hoping it will just go away, not tackling the issue head on.

Tackling the issue head on, as I have pointed out, means desling with Hindus, who have overwhealmingly the largest population of underage marriages - 18% by age 15.

All the handwringing and excusing is about pointing out the scope of the issue, its context and its causes.

If you just want a wank fest about Muslims, no problem. If you want to address a global problem, feel free to join in.

You would never ask how paedophile priests go against Christian teachings, depite the fact that past popes have been serial offenders and are granted divine authority by the church.

On Islamic child marriages, you have a number of prominent Muslims condemning the practice, but you still persist in a game of abstraction. This is despite the fact that Muslims are not the world's worst offenders and there is nothing uniquely Muslim about marrying at a young age.

Still, you will persist for another few pages until this threat fades into obscurity. You will then bring up this discussion in a few months time, and a few year's time. You may even store the "excuses" in the Wiki: proof.

And you wonder why others don't take this board and its posters seriously.

Carry on, FD.
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #484 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 9:45am
I don't read FD as making excuses or deflecting from child brides and paedophilia in Hindus or Christians but when Gandalf starts dancing on the head of a pin and debating about grass on wickets and shuffling his paperwork for references to dolls it sure reads that way about big Mo.

Seems to be a habit with the god botherers, Yadda is the same, protect and deflect from their own sky pixie whilst denigrating someone else's spaghetti monster. 

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"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #485 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 10:30am
Datalife wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 9:45am:
when Gandalf starts dancing on the head of a pin and debating about grass on wickets and shuffling his paperwork for references to dolls it sure reads that way about big Mo.

This seems to be a favourite theme of yours. In fact you seem to only pop up here to repeat this "dancing on the head of a pin" meme.

What I am not "shuffling my paperwork" over is that I do not, never have, and never will condone child marriage. But I will not shy away from pointing out the clear and obvious difference between what constitutes "child" in 7th century nomadic society and what constitutes "child" in today's society. And the fact that it is at best ignorant and at worst plain dishonest to claim that all post-pubescent 9, 12, 14 year old girls are the same level of maturity in all cultures and all historical contexts.

Datalife wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 9:45am:
I don't read FD as making excuses or deflecting from child brides and paedophilia in Hindus or Christians

I don't see him doing that either. But the point is well made - namely that when society comes together to tackle the issue of child abuse in christian institutions, no one seriously suggests that christians need to, in effect, stop being christian, and all the associated demonising of the church that would accompany such a suggestion. Such a proposal would rightly be rejected and condemned as trolling. Yet that is the only contribution FD is bringing to the table - to demonise mainstream muslims, and criticise them for not vilifying their prophet as a filthy pedophile (which is exactly the same as demanding that they stop being muslim) - even while they are roundly condemning the practice. Nothing constructive can come from this approach.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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A cat with a view
Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #486 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 10:50am
Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2014 at 12:32am:

If you want me to castigate child marriage in some quarters of Islam, I will. But as I’ve said, I don’t think it’s paedophilia, but the subjugation of women and girls.....


You say the above, and yet in this forum, it is clear that you are happy to remain an appeaser of ISLAMIC culture, vis-a-vis Western culture.

For a person who claims to be a product of a non-ISLAMIC culture [or do you?], it is disgustingly craven of you K, imo.

craven = = contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly.

"If you want me to castigate child marriage in some quarters of Islam, I will."

Where ?

When ?


The Rising Sex Traffic in Forced Islamic Marriage
by Mark Durie
Quadrant Online
March 2014

In 2008, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and Nicholas Phillips, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, both suggested that the UK could consider, in Lord Phillips's words, "embracing Sharia law" because "there is no reason why Sharia Law, or any other religious code should not be the basis for mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution". Williams commented: "it's not as if we're bringing in an alien and rival system". [COMMENT: And these men [one, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, the other, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales] are people supposedly 'at the top of their game' in our society and in our culture ? I think not! - Yadda]


In passing judgment in favour of the woman, Judge Harman invited the authorities to take matters further: the "groom" could be presumably be charged by the police with sexual offences against a child and placed on the sex offenders register. He and the girl's father—who in accordance with Islamic tradition would have been the two parties to the marriage contract—could also be charged with trafficking offences. There would also almost certainly have been an exchange of money—the mahr—handed over by the man to the girl or her father in accordance with Islamic law.

The UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, defines people-trafficking as:

The forced marriage of a fourteen-year-old girl, as reported in this Australian case, fits the definition of trafficking. The girl was transferred from the custody of parents to that of her "husband" by use of deception, and he then kept her for the purpose of sexual exploitation and servitude, controlling her by violence and threats.

Pru Goward, the New South Wales Minister for Community Services and Women, has reported seems that a great many of the victims and the perpetrators involving in "marriage" trafficking have been Muslims.

Recent reports of a link between trafficking-for-marriage and Islamic marriages have not been limited to Australia. An investigation by ITV in the UK identified eighteen mosques—around one third of those approached by the reporter—where clerics were willing to conduct a wedding of a fourteen-year-old girl against her will.

Nazir Afal, Crown Prosecutor in the North of England, has reported that there are estimated to be 8000 to 10,000 forced marriages or threats of forced marriages of people against their will in the UK each year. Britain's Forced Marriage Unit handled 1485 cases in 2012, 35 per cent of which involved girls aged seventeen or younger, and 13 per cent where the girls were under fifteen. A British government survey found that hundreds of girls aged eleven to thirteen had simply disappeared from school rolls.


In the case of forced Muslim marriages, a systemic problem is the widespread acceptance by the community of unregistered marriages:.........The families and communities involved may consider such marriages to be legal, because they accord with their understanding of Islamic law, but the fact that these marriages are unregistered places the women and girls who undergo these ceremonies at higher risk of abuse.

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« Last Edit: Mar 3rd, 2014 at 11:07am by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #487 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 11:53am
Datalife wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 9:45am:
I don't read FD as making excuses or deflecting from child brides and paedophilia in Hindus or Christians but when Gandalf starts dancing on the head of a pin and debating about grass on wickets and shuffling his paperwork for references to dolls it sure reads that way about big Mo.

Seems to be a habit with the god botherers, Yadda is the same, protect and deflect from their own sky pixie whilst denigrating someone else's spaghetti monster. 

Who exactly is dancing on the head of a pin here?

In this thread, we've seen:

- Two reports of Muslim child marriage in Sydney
- Census data of underage defacto marriages throughout NSW - overwhealmingly non-Muslim
- 3 countries with no minimum ages for marriage: Iran, Saudia Arabia and Yemen - all Muslim
- Twenty countries with the highest underage marriage rate per capita - a mix of Christian, Hindu and Muslim countries
- The highest underage marriage rate in the world - with 47% by age 18, and 18% by 15 - is  India, a majority Hindu country
- The example of Muhammed, who married a 6 year old girl and consumated the marriage when she reached puberty
- The example of Mormons and Christian child sex cults, who cite the example of Old Testament prophets to justify child marriage and polygamy
- Rebuttals by the NSW Grand Mufti and Kayser Trad, Islamic "spokesperson", declaring underage marriage to be legally and ethically wrong, and against the teachings of Islam

If you'd like to add anything, please feel free, but these are the facts we're discussing. Anything else: what Muslims think or don't think, what Muslims say or don't say, judgements and speculation about other Muslim beliefs such as beheading or slaying "those who insult Islam" is neither here nor there.

Sydney Muslim leaders say the practice of child marriage goes against their faith, and is illegal and unethical. They have offered to work with police and report such cases - of which we currently have 2.

Senior police spokesperson Mick Kealty has said that he has no evidence to suggest a problem with Muslim child marriage in Australia. NSW Community Services minister Pru Goward seems to think there is, but cites census data on non-Muslim defacto marriage.

The scope of such a problem in Australia is unknown. Debating what Muhammed did or didn't do is irrelevant. Debating what Muslims think about what Muhammed did or didn't do is irrelevant when their leaders have condemned the practice of child marriage and offered to work with police to address it.

There is currently a Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse in Australia - all are cases of abuse by Christians, Christian leaders and those working for the church.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin is irrelevant. The prevelance and scope of both underage marriage and child sexual abuse in Australia is Christian. The bulk of underage and forced marriage in the world is Hindu. There is a huge problem with the treatment of women and girls in some Muslim countries, but this is not universal among all Islamic countries, or specific to Islam. We can, of course, discuss the treatment of womena and girls in countries like Afghanistan, but this thread is a discussion of child marriage in Sydney.

If you want to join the debate, it helps to discuss the facts. I believe this is what FD means by engaging in a serious discussion, but I could be wrong. It's possible that what FD actually means is having the usual Muslim wheeze about whatever's on your mind.

The forum for that, however, is the Alan Jones Breakfast Show. The Oz Politic Muslim Board has much higher standards for evidence - usually the words Oz Politic's notorious Muslim spokesmen, Abu and Falah.

Unfortunately, they've stopped talking.
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« Last Edit: Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:00pm by Karnal »  
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #488 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:01pm
The piece of crap that married and had sex with that little girl is out on bail. It was on the news. Unbelievable. This country is going down the drain.
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #489 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:05pm
Sparky wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:01pm:
The piece of crap that married and had sex with that little girl is out on bail. It was on the news. Unbelievable. This country is going down the drain.

Yes, we tend to grant bail to people in Australia when they're not flight risks or facing heavy charges like murder or rape.

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A cat with a view
Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #490 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:10pm
Karnal wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 11:53am:

In this thread, we've seen:

- Two reports of Muslim child marriage in Sydney
- Census data of underage defacto marriages throughout NSW - overwhealmingly non-Muslim
- 3 countries with no minimum ages for marriage: Iran, Saudia Arabia and Yemen - all Muslim
- Twenty countries with the highest underage marriage rate per capita - a mix of Christian, Hindu and Muslim countries
- The highest underage marriage rate in the world - with 47% by age 18, and 18% by 15 - is  India, a majority Hindu country
- The example of Muhammed, who married a 6 year old girl and consumated the marriage when she reached puberty
- The example of Mormons and Christian child sex cults, who cite the example of Old Testament prophets to justify child marriage and polygamy
- Rebuttals by the NSW Grand Mufti and Kayser Trad, Islamic "spokesperson", declaring underage marriage to be legally and ethically wrong, and against the teachings of Islam


Sydney Muslim leaders say the practice of child marriage goes against their faith, and is illegal and unethical. They have offered to work with police and report such cases - of which we currently have 2.

Senior police spokesperson Mick Kealty has said that he has no evidence to suggest a problem with Muslim child marriage in Australia. NSW Community Services minister Pru Goward seems to think there is, but cites census data on non-Muslim defacto marriage.

An explosion in the numbers of under-age marriages, and forced marriages, here in Australia ???

"Bah humbug!!!! Its got nuffin to do wif moslems.......
Its all of those Hindus in India, and all of those Christians in NSW that are doin' it!"
,            ....says K.

Within Australia....

"Shame of our child brides: Court hears how woman was raped and beaten as it’s revealed hundreds are forced into arranged and unregistered marriages across NSW
...Eman Sharobeem from the Immigrant Women’s Health Service said hundreds of children as young as 11 were being sent overseas to be married after being “shopped” on Facebook. “It’s far more prevalent and well-known than people think,” she said."


Shame of our child brides: Court hears how woman was raped and beaten as it’s revealed hundreds are forced into arranged and unregistered marriages across NSW

    Exclusive by Padraic Murphy
    The Daily Telegraph
    February 12, 2014 1:56PM


Exclusive by Alicia Woods

HUNDREDS of underage teenagers are living in unregistered defacto marriages in NSW — and pressure is mounting for state and federal authorities to investigate illegal unions.

....Eman Sharobeem from the Immigrant Women’s Health Service said hundreds of children as young as 11 were being sent overseas to be married after being “shopped” on Facebook. “It’s far more prevalent and well-known than people think,” she said.

....“Every young girl in NSW should have the opportunity to make her own choices about her future, and underage marriage is completely unacceptable,” Ms Goward said.

“It doesn’t matter if the arrangement is religious or cultural, if the law in this state says it is illegal, parents and the community need to accept that and abide by it.


Multiculturalism's Child Brides

by Mark Durie
Quadrant Online
February 26, 2014

The Daily Telegraph has reported an 'epidemic' of young girls becoming 'child brides' or being in de facto relationships in NSW. The state Community Services Minister, Pru Goward, commented "I understand there are actually a significant number of unlawful, unregistered marriages to under-aged girls in NSW, particularly in western Sydney, southwest Sydney and the Blue Mountains."

....The proliferation of unregistered religious marriages in recent years is a sign that the Australian authorities need to do much more to enforce the provisions of the Australian Marriage Act.

....The Imams Council also stated that 'any religion … should not be held accountable for violations by its followers.'

....To treat Christian and non-Christian marriages differently disrespects non-Christian religions because their unions are considered 'non-marriages,' and not even 'void' marriages. More importantly, it puts the women who enter such unions at risk because the failure of the state to regulate their marriages makes them vulnerable to the very abuses which the centuries-old marriage laws were meant to to prevent.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #491 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:24pm
Sparky wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:01pm:
The piece of crap that married and had sex with that little girl is out on bail. It was on the news. Unbelievable. This country is going down the drain.

The judicial process has a process called bail.Maybe look it up.

Just because your on bail doesn't mean its over.
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A cat with a view
Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #492 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:25pm
Yadda wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:10pm:

Sydney Muslim leaders say the practice of child marriage goes against their faith, and is illegal and unethical.

Oh really ????

Where is the evidence in the Koran OR the Hadith [which are the foundation texts for all ISLAMIC law], for these claims ?

Those claims by moslem community leaders, here in Australia, are BLATANT, SHAMELESS, LIES.

Moslem community leaders, here in Australia, are BLATANT, SHAMELESS, LIARS. the same way that these public declarations [below], from an official moslem community representative body in the UK, are BLATANT, SHAMELESS, LIES;


A body representing British 'mainstream' moslems, The Muslim Council of Britain, declares on its website, that ISLAM is a philosophy which condemns extremism and violence....


Rejecting Terror
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Muslims everywhere consider all acts of terrorism that aims to murder and maim innocent human beings utterly reprehensible and abhorrent. There is no theological basis whatsoever for such acts in our faith. The very meaning of the word 'Islam' is peace. It rejects terror and promotes peace and harmony.

ISLAMIC law....

"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."

"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."


"...If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."

hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #493 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:25pm
wally1 wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:24pm:
Sparky wrote on Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:01pm:
The piece of crap that married and had sex with that little girl is out on bail. It was on the news. Unbelievable. This country is going down the drain.

The judicial process has a process called bail.Maybe look it up.

Just because your on bail doesn't mean its over.
Like sticking up for peodos do we.
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Re: underage marriage in Sydney
Reply #494 - Mar 3rd, 2014 at 12:25pm
Y, the "epidemic" reported by the Telegraph is defacto marriages throughout NSW. It's not Muslim child marriages. If they were Muslims, this would be listed on their census forms.

The census figures are about young girls in relationships with older men, and it's hardly an epidemic. It's a few hundred.

The only other source is Eman Sharobeem from the Immigrant Women’s Health Service. The overseas underage marriages she describes is girls "of different religions".

Feel free to address the facts, Y, or have the usual meltdown. It's up to you.
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