Datalife wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2014 at 9:45am:
I don't read FD as making excuses or deflecting from child brides and paedophilia in Hindus or Christians but when Gandalf starts dancing on the head of a pin and debating about grass on wickets and shuffling his paperwork for references to dolls it sure reads that way about big Mo.
Seems to be a habit with the god botherers, Yadda is the same, protect and deflect from their own sky pixie whilst denigrating someone else's spaghetti monster.
Who exactly is dancing on the head of a pin here?
In this thread, we've seen:
- Two reports of Muslim child marriage in Sydney
- Census data of underage defacto marriages throughout NSW - overwhealmingly non-Muslim
- 3 countries with no minimum ages for marriage: Iran, Saudia Arabia and Yemen - all Muslim
- Twenty countries with the highest underage marriage rate per capita - a mix of Christian, Hindu and Muslim countries
- The highest underage marriage rate in the world - with 47% by age 18, and 18% by 15 - is India, a majority Hindu country
- The example of Muhammed, who married a 6 year old girl and consumated the marriage when she reached puberty
- The example of Mormons and Christian child sex cults, who cite the example of Old Testament prophets to justify child marriage and polygamy
- Rebuttals by the NSW Grand Mufti and Kayser Trad, Islamic "spokesperson", declaring underage marriage to be legally and ethically wrong, and against the teachings of Islam
If you'd like to add anything, please feel free, but these are the facts we're discussing. Anything else: what Muslims think or don't think, what Muslims say or don't say, judgements and speculation about other Muslim beliefs such as beheading or slaying "those who insult Islam" is neither here nor there.
Sydney Muslim leaders say the practice of child marriage goes against their faith, and is illegal and unethical. They have offered to work with police and report such cases - of which we currently have 2.
Senior police spokesperson Mick Kealty has said that he has no evidence to suggest a problem with Muslim child marriage in Australia. NSW Community Services minister Pru Goward seems to think there is, but cites census data on non-Muslim defacto marriage.
The scope of such a problem in Australia is unknown. Debating what Muhammed did or didn't do is irrelevant. Debating what Muslims
think about what Muhammed did or didn't do is irrelevant when their leaders have condemned the practice of child marriage and offered to work with police to address it.
There is currently a Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse in Australia - all are cases of abuse by Christians, Christian leaders and those working for the church.
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin is irrelevant. The prevelance and scope of both underage marriage and child sexual abuse in Australia is Christian. The bulk of underage and forced marriage in the world is Hindu. There is a huge problem with the treatment of women and girls in some Muslim countries, but this is not universal among all Islamic countries, or specific to Islam. We can, of course, discuss the treatment of womena and girls in countries like Afghanistan, but this thread is a discussion of child marriage in Sydney.
If you want to join the debate, it helps to discuss the facts. I believe this is what FD means by engaging in a serious discussion, but I could be wrong. It's possible that what FD
actually means is having the usual Muslim wheeze about whatever's on your mind.
The forum for that, however, is the Alan Jones Breakfast Show. The Oz Politic Muslim Board has much higher standards for evidence - usually the words Oz Politic's notorious Muslim spokesmen, Abu and Falah.
Unfortunately, they've stopped talking.