Quote:No really you are not. Because the sensible answer I gave you - that they educate each other and explain that this is not condoned by islam

That is your suggestion for how Muslims confront the issue "head on"?
Quote:is not an answer to you
It is an answer, but it is neither taking responsibility nor confronting the issue head on. It is pretty much the opposite - deny responsibility (on the part of Islam) and offering a solution that is literally nothing more than talking about the problem. What are you going to do when the Muslims doing this say you are full of crap because Muhammed had sex with children? Chew their ear off?
Quote:For you, nothing short of vilifying the prophet and having muslims renounce their religion is acceptable. Thats why you are an obstacle to a solution.
I'm sure there are many ways you could confront the issue head on. Denying it has anything to do with Islam and "educating" the offenders about your version of Islam is not one of them. If you heard that the Catholic Church's response to pedophile priests was to "educate" them about the church's official stance on raping little boys, would you declare that to be confronting the issue head on and taking responsibility?
Quote:I'm sure the Imam thought it had everything to do with islam - but thats not the point.
Earlier in this thread you were demanding I prove this, despite it being so obvious.
Quote:The point is that there is no evidence this sort of attitude is mainstream.
What are you suggesting? That not every Muslim man is married to a child?
Quote:The only evidence we have of "what muslims think" about this issue is that they abhore it and want to stamp it out.
Either that, or they want to engage in it, endorse it, and solemnise it, or use science or Islam to justify it.
Quote:Thats why you have to tiptoe around the actual facts of the case
No I don't. You did this. You spent quite some time demanding that I prove to you that Islam was a relevant factor in a Muslim Imam conducting and Islamic wedding ceremony for two Muslims.
Quote:My solution is to point out that islamic teachings do not condone this
Quote:and that muslims demonstrably agree with me
Except of course, for the ones you don't. So your solution is basically argumentum ad populum?
Quote:If we look at the reality here, we have an issue that as K has pointed out, is not a uniquely muslim problem
Great, sounds like you are taking responsibility and confronting the issue head on.
Quote:and where it is a muslim problem, is met with universal condemnation
Universal? I can recall three examples so far, in contrast to the four people directly involved in this one incident, and the concession by the Islamic health service that it is a widespread problem.
Quote:Then if we look at what is imagined, we have an issue that is rampant and unique amongst muslims
Is this where you imagine what I actually said?
Quote:and we have muslims pointing out that this issue shouldn't be condemned on islamic grounds.
The grand Mufti said it should be condemned on legal and ethical grounds. Does he always need point out the basis on which he condemns something?
Quote:That makes absolutely no sense. How exactly do I "want it both ways"? If Muhammad was alive today and he was bonking a 9 year old, then yes he would be a peado.
Gandalf can you explain how the definition of pedophilia has changed?