Adamant wrote on Mar 8
th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Karnal wrote on Mar 8
th, 2014 at 11:49am:
Welcome to the brave new world. We’ve moved on from discussing non-existent cases to cases only paid-up Rupert subscribers have the fortune (misfortune?) to read.
I’m ruling this one out of order. If you won’t post it, it must be bullsh!t.
Dig deep and buy a copy it will only cost you a couple of shekels, tight arse.
I read the article. It’s about an arranged marriage for the purpose of immigration.
As discussed, I know a number of Indian cases just like this. They all consented. Arranged marriage is a part of life for most Indians, and Indian marriages are a huge back door entry to Australia. It’s a way in for many immigrants, Afganis included.
On your Afghani case, it says the girl was 15 when "forced" to marry, but not how old she was when she married.
For immigration purposes, an underage marriage wouldn’t work. Spousal visas are a huge process that take years.Huge evidence is required. Birth certificates, criminal records, photos, support letters. I wrote letters to support my own father’s defacto’s spousal visa. It took 4 years to get, and cost a fortune.
The legal minimum age for marriage in Australia is 18, and 16 with parental consent.
While your example is a nasty case of Afgani tribal customs and their feudal treatment of women, it is not a case of underage marriage. Immigration would not have granted a visa if it was. The girl was coerced, not forced. There is definitely a fine line here, but her signature was all over her documents, and she would have been interviewed extensively by Immigration case officers, as my father and his partner were.
Thanks for the article. Even with the entire Murdoch empire’s relentless investigation aparatus in full crusade mode, we’re back down to an epidemic of one case.
The headlines in these stories are always perversely histrionic, and the detail is always scant. Most of the facts are wrong, and parts of the other stories are deliberately merged..
Hence we get confused about things like a "second imam", Centrelink "spousal benefits", and a new statistic of 1000 underage defacto marriages, which were previously quoted as "hundreds across NSW".
And none of them Muslim. As Adamant shows, most were certainly Aboriginal, hence the large number in rural and remote areas.
This is a News Ltd campaign. The election is well and truly over, and we’re back to sport and dastardly Muselmen on the front pages again.
I have no problem with this, but it becomes a problem when people don’t read closely and question what they’re being told. Every story I’ve read so far on this issue has had glaring mistakes and innacuracies. Many have had no facts at all. Some, if I’m not mistaken, are even breaking the law by not quoting cases before the courts as "aledged" crimes. Most are breaching the AJA code of conduct for deliberate misrepresentation of information, if not lies.
Unfortunately, in this sort of media landscape, you have to fact check articles and do secondary research. The stories themselves can’t be trusted, as we’ve seen.
If people here are happy with lies because it suits "their" agenda, remember that such happiness is an illusion. It’s about keeping you dumb and riled up enough to get you through the day, producing and consuming. This, after all, is how the old boy sells his cheese. Lucky no one asks about the ingredients.
This "epidemic" is a drummed-up media campaign in collaboration with News Ltd’d London tabloids. It’s purpose is to keep you angry, hostile to foreigners, and eager to read more news and consume more advertising.
This is what the print news has become after its business model became overturned by the internet and it experienced massive journalist cutbacks. In many cases, the print media can no longer afford to investigate news stories, so journalists sit on their computers, quote other stories from other countries, and rail against imaginary evils, like Muslim "epidemics".
And this, my friends, is what demokracy has become in the "information" age.
Yes, effendes, ignorance is strength.
But Gud is great.