freediver wrote on Mar 9
th, 2014 at 6:03pm:
Gee, thanks for pointing that out Karnal. Pedophilia is not a crime and there is no point reporting parents who inquire about getting their little kids married off. If only Islam had more friends like you.
Put it in the wiki, FD.
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming you have no knowledge of the things we’re discussing. Concepts like paedophilia, underage marriage, consent, criminality. You love to hate it all, but you don’t actually unpack things or think about the things you’re discussing.
This explains how you can go on for five pages about the legalistic words of a mufti. You think in black and white. Much of what we’re discussing here seems quite alien to you. With the exception of the words of Abu , Falah and Yadda, of course, Islam is quite alien to you.
This is not a judgement or a put-down, but don’t you think people should have a little knowledge of the things they discuss?
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this, FD. Do you think there’s a kind of virtue in crapping on about things you have no knowledge of?
Remember, it led many here to rush into a pogrom.based on an epidemic of Muslim child marriages. The Nazis, it seems, were amateurs when it came to hate campaigns. Yet we think we’ve moved on.
What do you think?