Soren wrote on Mar 12
th, 2014 at 5:21am:
Karnal wrote on Mar 11
th, 2014 at 9:08pm:
47 of the 50 Musel countries you speak of have the same age of consent laws as the Christian ones - who have almost the same underage marriage statistics as the Musel ones.
Not very rigorously enforced, if at all. Very importantly, the reflex towards sharia is gaining ground everywhere rather than the colonial inheritance of European law (which sets age limits on grounds alien to Islamic tradition and specific religious examples set by Mohammed.
This is why the 'Arab Spring' brings out the drafting of all sorts of sharia-inspired laws to replace the despised European/Western ones they see as the cause of all their troubles.
And yet, the statistics you posted show a
lesser prevalence of child marriage in the three Islamic states than Christian countries like Nicuragua and Hindu India, who trumps them all.
All your evidence points to the exact opposite of your argument. You keep indulging in abstract arguments about Muhammed’s example and imams in Islamic states, but this merely reinforces that Australia is a secular state wih enforced age of consent laws.
You can’t provide more than one example of where Muslims have disobeyed these laws due to their religion. Your "over-representative" 6% census figure even shows that Muslims are going
against their religion by not getting married.
The Muslim community in Australia has denounced the practice of child marriage in the strongest possible terms. They don’t support it, no one can provide evidence that they do, and there is even the example of an imam turning away the father in the case we’re discussing.
And who wouldn’t? It’s a criminal offence.
You can keep going over old ground, old boy, but your arguments are only proving their opposite. Even your examples of draft laws being rejected shows that "Arab Spring" countries themselves uphold their secular age of consent/marriage laws.
You provided good proof of three Muslim countries with no minimum age for marriage, and I applauded your evidence. You would hope that a debate like this would uncover the truth rather than two competing sets of lies. If you can show me evidence of a Muslim epidemic of child marriage in Sydney, I’ll accept it.
This debate is about just that, old boy - not 1400 year old customs, not Saudi Arabia, not legal propositions by religious groups in Arab countries. It’s about Muslims in Australia marrying child brides.
So far, we have one isolated case, which is now before the court. Again, do you have anything else, or shall we now conceed that there is no problem?